
Musket explosion kills JHS student at Wulensi fire festival

Source The Ghana Report

What was meant to be a celebratory moment led to the death of a Junior High School (JHS) student at the annual fire festival at Wulensi in the Nunumba South District of the Northern Region.

The victim, whose identity is yet to be made public, reportedly died instantly, after a musket he attempted to fire exploded.

The musket is believed to have exploded when the student discharged the musket into a gutter.

The impact then hit him in the head.

Confirming the news, the assembly member for Wulensi Zebilla, said authorities had cautioned against the firing of guns and other dangerous equipment during the festival.

The youth, however, disobeyed the directive.

In July 2023, a 14-year-old boy was confirmed dead at Aboabo in the Asokore Mampong Municipality of the Ashanti Region during a fire festival.

Masawudu Abdul-Aziz died after a stray bullet hit him during the display of magical prowess by the celebrants who fired muskets amid chanting, dancing, and lighting of fire.

Two other persons also sustained gunshot wounds in the process.

The fire festival, also called Bugum Festival, is celebrated annually among the people of Dagbon, Mamprugu, and the Nanumba ethnic groups to mark a historical event on the Mole-Dagbon calendar.

People who have migrated from the north and live in the southern part of the country come together to celebrate the festival yearly.

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