
Moving In Together: 3 Tips For Making It A Smooth Transition

Moving in together with your partner is a significant step in a relationship, and something I used to wonder how to handle properly.

I was nervous about taking this step and had so many questions. Will we have enough to afford a nice place? How well will our separate routines blend?

If you’re feeling the same and are not sure if you’re ready to move in yet, don’t panic; I’m here to help. I read up on the signs you’re ready to move in together and it taught me what to look out for.

Knowing if your relationship is ready for the next step may be hard to determine, but it can be done. That’s why preparation and discussion are so important prior to taking this step in your life.

Everyone has different ways of preparing for a big life change like this. At any age, it can be an overwhelming experience. Here are the top few tips on how to make this transition as smooth as possible.

1. Prepare Your Finances

Money can be a touchy subject for some couples but is a necessary conversation when planning on moving in together. I’ve learned that the sooner you’re on the same page about money, the better. And while saving money is an important part of discussing finances, determining each other’s financial status is just as important.

Before looking for a house with my partner, I considered what mortgage I could afford. This determined what we could spend on the house we’d be sharing together and whether we shared the expense or not.

Finding effective ways to budget your money and improve your credit before this process can also put you in a good position to buy a home with your partner.

2. Minimize Clutter

I know I can’t be the only one who has experienced clutter in my house. When it comes to moving in with someone else, you’ll want to minimize what you can. If you and your partner declutter ASAP, your move will go a lot smoother. Less to pack and less to move in!

Combining all of your belongings already brings with it the possibility of cluttered space, but if you prepare by minimizing what you have, you’ll be set to avoid it.

I’ve found that donating items I haven’t used in over a year is the best way to declutter. If there are items like decor that serve no purpose other than collecting dust, consider getting rid of them, especially if they’re something your partner may not enjoy either.

3. Discuss Your Routines

When you move in with your partner, your routines may collide. I’ve found that it’s best to discuss your daily or weekly routines prior to moving in to ensure this match will work. For example, I like to wake up early in the morning, so I made sure to tell my partner so they could prepare for an alarm and more noise in the morning.

It’s ideal when you and your partner’s routines match one another, but that’s not always the case. Finding new things to add to your shared daily regimen like a wellness routine may be beneficial to your relationship. As long as you understand each other’s needs and boundaries, you’ll find success once you adjust to living together.

Moving in together can be tricky, but it can be done! I’ve learned a lot through this experience and honestly, it’s made my partner and me closer than ever. Figuring out how we can coexist together and grow as a couple is incredibly important. You’ll find this to be a simpler transition by using some of the tips I’ve laid out.

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