
Meet the Ghanaian lady who is a lawyer by day and nurse by night

A young Ghanaian lady, Elizabeth Owusua, has won the admiration of most Ghanaians on social media, after it came out that she is a practising lawyer and nurse at the same time.

During the day, Miss Owusua helps people seek justice as a lawyer and at night, she fulfils her other dream of saving lives at the hospital.

In a Facebook post which has gone viral, the young lady is quoted as saying she aspired to be both a lawyer and a nurse right from an early age.

“As a child, I always wanted to be a nurse, lawyer and a fashion designer all at the same time with no idea how they were going to happen because of my background,” she was quoted in the Facebook post to have said.

In 2008, she attended a Nursing and Midwifery Training College at Korle Bu where she obtained a Diploma in Nursing and started working as a nurse in 2010 after national service.

“I continued to Central University College where I did top-up for a Bsc Degree in Nursing alongside work, and graduated in 2013,” she added.

Her road to becoming a lawyer started in 2014 when she applied and got admitted to study the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA).

“In 2014 I applied to GIMPA law faculty for an LLB and I got admitted which I did along with work mostly night shifts and gained admission to the Law school in 2017 after graduating from GIMPA and finally was called to the Ghana Bar in October 2019.”

The story of Elizabeth Owusua has been shared 324 times with 1,400 reactions.

  1. Michael says

    Great ,she is a woman of many parts.Keep it up

  2. Anonymous says

    Its my dream too

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