
Man battered for using counterfeit currency at Kejetia

Source The Ghana Report

A violent incident occurred at Kejetia market when a mob attacked two individuals who attempted to purchase an item from a woman using counterfeit money.

According to eyewitnesses, the two individuals tried to buy an item from a female vendor using fake currency.

When the vendor discovered the counterfeit money, she raised an alarm, and a mob quickly formed to confront the pair.

In a video trending on social media, the mob brutally attacked one of the individuals, beating him mercilessly, with belts and stones.

The victim was tortured until blood was oozing from his nose and mouth.

The other individual managed to escape, but the victim was left with severe injuries.

The exact extent of his injuries is not yet known, but eyewitnesses described the scene as chaotic and disturbing.

The incident has sparked outrage among vendors and customers at the market, who are demanding stricter measures to prevent such incidents in the future.

Authorities have since launched an investigation into the incident and are working to identify the individuals involved.

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