
Let’s Support Local Businesses- Abeiku Santana

Source The Ghana Report

Ghanaian media practitioner Abeiku Santana has urged the general public to inculcate the habit of supporting and promoting local businesses in Ghana to create employment avenues for citizens.

Abeiku Santana speaking at the launch of ‘Rent for Me Ghana’, a company that assists people in paying their rent urged Ghanaians to always support the initiative of Ghanaians aiming to create business opportunities in the country.

He also emphasized on the need for citizens to dive into businesses that will meet the needs and demands of citizens.

“We have come to the dispensation where artificial intelligence is the order of the day. Artificial intelligence is a system, programme that can analyze and collect data and you use it to process everything that you’re looking for”, he noted at the launch.

“If you check Abraham Maslow’s theory of need, the basic one is accommodation, food, clothing… Anyone who ventures into such a business never goes wrong. If you venture into food, clothing, accommodation and pension, there is no way you’d go wrong”.

“It’s important that as entrepreneurs, we find innovative ways of giving solutions to people’s problems… I’ll implore all of us to make it work,” Abeiku Santa added.

Abeiku Santana in the year 2020 was honoured as the Exclusive Man of the Year by the Ghana Tourism Authority for using his social media pages for promoting the historical culture of Ghana.


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