
Leaders invest in themselves

Every leader who invests in himself will ensure that he remains the leader.  

Many things are prone to deterioration, corruption and decline.

A leader must know that the world is moving forward with several changes every day.

In fact, in this age of technology, the speed is far greater than before.

The leader who recognises this takes heed to himself and takes steps to consciously improve himself.

A leader must, therefore, be conscious of his role and what is expected of him.

A leader who wants to continue to be relevant will continually invest in himself.

A leader has many people who look up to him.

These followers have expectations of their leader.

It is important that the leader makes efforts to invest in bonding with his followers.

Why every leader must invest in himself

• A leader must invest in himself because of the law of staying one step ahead.

Being ahead is what makes you a leader with others following.

There is no leadership unless you are a step ahead.

I am constantly investing in myself to stay at least one step ahead of my followers.

Without doing this, you will fall out of your position as a leader.

Be ahead and be able to show others the “how to”.

Improving yourself as a leader makes your followers even more confident in looking up to you.

• A leader must invest in himself because of the law of deterioration.

This law says that everything is decaying naturally.

Nothing on earth stays in a healthy original condition for long.

This is why the Bible warns that the crown (your leadership position) is not guaranteed forever.

Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds. For riches are not forever: and doth the crown endure to every generation? Proverbs 27:23,24

• A leader must invest in himself because of the law of taking care of yourself before you can take care of someone else.

This principle is taken very seriously on flights. Whenever there is any problem with an aeroplane, adults are instructed to take care of themselves before taking care of their children.

Paul said the same thing.

There is no way you can save others unless you save yourself. A doctor cannot attend to others if he is sick.

The blind cannot lead the blind.

Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee. Timothy 4:16

7 ways every leader can invest in himself

• Read the Bible every day:  In 1986, I travelled to London as a student.

I bought one thing for myself – a special reference Bible.

I used up all my meagre student allowance to invest in myself.

I have never regretted that investment.…but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap… Galatians 6:8

The Bible is full of wisdom for every age. A leader who reads the Bible every day is likely to invest in wisdom that does not expire.

• Read books every day:  There are so many things you will not know unless you make a special effort to acquire that knowledge.

Remember that a book is a patient teacher! Read books about things you do not know.

Reading and acquiring knowledge is one of the precious ways to enrich yourself.

You may not sit in a classroom to learn a particular thing but you can study privately by reading a book.

• Listen to audio messages, podcasts, etc: We are blessed these days to have the benefit of technology so that we can benefit from podcasts and audiobooks.

When added up, the hours spent listening to tapes are equivalent to several semesters of lectures at the university.

Take advantage of it! Do not deprive yourself of the knowledge available!

• Watch videotapes of anointed men of God teaching wisdom:  Many times, “seeing” empowers you to do.

Because you see it, you believe it is possible.  Seeing and hearing is a precious combination that enriches your life!

• Attend seminars, conferences and church services:  These will make you a better person.

• Build up a personal library of books and tapes: You will build for yourself a good resource library.

• Spend more money on your books than you do on your clothes and your hair.

A leader who invests in himself makes himself useful for a long time.

Do not allow yourself to deteriorate and become irrelevant. Remember to:

Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee. 1 Timothy 4:16

The writer is the founder of the Lighthouse Group of churches.

E-mail: theaol@ymail.com

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