
Lack of professionalism in the Ghanaian music industry is driving investors away – Enoch Agyepong on Black Sherif’s breach of contract

Artiste manager and a prominent figure in the industry, Enoch Agyepong has voiced his concerns, stating that the lack of professionalism is driving potential investors away from supporting artists.

He made these comments on Onua Showbiz in light of the recent turn of events involving Ghanaian musician Black Sherif‘s arrest and the issue of contractual breach.

The alleged arrest which took place on Thursday, July 20, 2023 has sparked a much-needed discussion about professionalism within the music industry.

Enoch Agyepong, popularly known as Lalas expressed his disappointment at how the music industry seems to disregard the importance of professionalism.

“Since the matter came up, I’ve not said anything and I’ve deliberately decided not to say anything but I have to speak,” he shared

He emphasized that to gain the trust and support of the corporate world, the music industry needs to uphold a higher standard of accountability and commitment.

“It’s sad that we are in this industry and we want to work with the corporate world and we throw something we call professionalism out of the door. In the world of corporate, their thinking is different than ours in the music industry,” he disclosed.

Agyepong pointed out the essential role that professionalism plays in corporate dealings.

In the corporate world, breaking agreements and disregarding contracts can lead to significant consequences.

However, in the music industry, there seems to be a lack of such accountability, which affects investors’ confidence in supporting artists and events.

He also revealed that the situation also involved the former C.E.O of 3 Music Awards Baba Sadiq, who is known for his vocal stance on contracts.

According to LasLas, the fact that Black Sherif’s arrest occurred despite Sadiq’s involvement is indeed shocking.

“I also heard Baba Sadiq’s name in the matter and knowing how he’s been vocal about contracts, especially with the first one with his management, it’s shocking that this will happen,” he told host, Nana Kwame Gyana “Even the cruise guy said he and Sadiq called Sherif so it means he has a relationship in there.”

He also highlighted the need for artists to be more responsible and uphold their end of the bargain.

“In the contract, it says that in the likely event of a no-show, they’ll not hold his management responsible or Baba Sadiq or the booking agent but Black Sherif will be arrested. How can you allow the child to sign such a contract and that’s my worry,” he said.

Agyepong expressed his worries about the impact of such incidents on investors’ confidence in supporting the music industry.

He questioned why Black Sherif couldn’t fulfil his part of the deal when he had already received half the payment.

The lack of communication and promotional efforts from the artist’s end also came under scrutiny.

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