
Jackie Appiah refurbishes Korle-Bu Child Health ward

Ghanaian actress Jackie Appiah as part of her birthday celebration on Saturday 5th December 2020, refurbished the Child’s Ward of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital.

Among many activities carried out by the Jackie Appiah Foundation, the actress rehabilitated the ward for children with sickle cell receiving temporary care which has been named Jackie’s Corner.

According to the actress, the motive behind her act was to celebrate a friend she lost to sickle cell illness in 2019.

Her wish is to see children with this disease to forget their pain while staying there.

Head of the Pediatric Sickle Cell Clinic at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Dr. Catherine Segbefia told JoyNews the idea of having a furnished ward has always been her vision.

The medical practitioner also added this will the lives of sickle cell patients easier and expressed her profound gratitude for the gesture.

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