It’s Time To Stop Slut Shaming Women For These 8 Things
The word “slut” has been thrown around so casually that, at this point, every woman has been called one. And I’m not talking about when your best friend yells it at you playfully from down the street.
I’m talking about when men or other judgemental women use it. However, the reasons women get labelled are just plain ridiculous. These days, women are being shamed out of doing things they enjoy (or for their own protection!) to avoid judgement and the label “slut.”
But guess what? You are not a slut if you do the following.
1. Have casual sex.
Who gives a fuck if you enjoy having sex? As long as you are using protection and aren’t hurting anybody, then why feel shameful about it? You’re doing what you enjoy, which is also what half the men out there enjoy doing too! Moreover, don’t feel ashamed about your number. You are in charge of what you do with your body.
2. Identity as anything other than straight.
If you love people for the way they are and for their kind hearts, congratulations — you are one of the most accepting people on the planet.
You should not have to feel pressured to conform to society’s outdated norms. Furthermore, you shouldn’t feel the need to hide your sexuality out of fear. You will find people who will love and accept that fact about you, I promise!
3. Masturbate.
I’m a firm believer that it’s healthy to learn how your body works. I don’t believe that touching yourself is dirty, desperate, or an example of sinning. It’s a natural thing we all do. And there are perks about orgasms most people don’t understand. Pleasing yourself is a heaven-sent do it more!
4. Have sex on the first date.
Girl, if you feel urges you want to take care of or if you simply feel comfortable doing it, then go for it. No one else can dictate what you do with your body! There’s no law that says you have to wait a specific number of dates until you do it. If you’re ready, then embrace it and give him the ride of his life.
5. Show skin.
You are allowed to dress the way you want to. Show off your cleavage if you are in the mood to do it. Flaunt your legs if you love the way they look and flash that bra strap on a bare shoulder.
If you’re comfortable, how can anyone else judge you? And if you like posting those pictures on your social media, then get those likes, girl. You’re doing amazing!
6. Take the pill (or any form of birth control).
I still can’t believe we live in a society where this is somehow unacceptable, but here we are. I believe that by taking birth control for whatever reason is taking responsibility for your health.
And if you’re lucky enough to have access to it, take advantage of that privilege!
7. Talk to multiple guys at once.
There’s no handbook that says talking to more than one person at a time is against the rules. Sometimes it’s good to keep your options open or to take your time to figure out which guy you like better.
Hell, there are even jobs dedicated to this method! Ever heard of The Bachelor? You better believe that half the people who make comments about your dating life are obsessed with that show. Hence, they should save their breath.
8. Send nudes.
If it is something you enjoy and is consensual between you and whoever you send them to, that’s a great start. It shows you trust each other and are interested in doing something different.
Nude photos are also extremely common these days and those who act disgusted have definitely taken them before.
Honestly, it’s about time people stop judging women for the decisions they make for themselves. As long as they feel comfortable and confident, we should encourage women to live their lives the way they want to. So stop judging and start supporting each other. After all, we’ve all done at least one of these “slutty” things too.