
If These 10 Things Have Happened In Your Home, It May Be Haunted

If you’re a horror junkie, you’re likely familiar with films that are set in a haunted house.

Dressers are thrown down staircases, unexplained yelps and howls ring through the house at night, and translucent, wispy figures often appear in bedrooms at night and scare people awake.

The type of hauntings that happen in horror movies are the stuff of fiction, but that doesn’t mean that hauntings aren’t real at all.

The things that happen in homes that are haunted are more subtle than ghosts appearing at your bedside or rattling chains as they walk down the hall.

If these 10 things have happened in your home, it may be haunted
1. Sudden temperature changes

In the realm of paranormal beliefs, temperature changes, particularly cold spots, indicate that there are spirits present.

One common belief is that when trying to manifest into or interact with the physical world, spirits require energy.

This energy could be heat, which spirits are believed to draw out of the physical environment, resulting in a drop in temperature.

“If a spirit is trying to manifest, that is to become physically visible, it will pull energy out of the environment to do that,” Mark Keyes, director of the Pennsylvania Paranormal Association, told AccuWeather.

“Heat is energy, that’s one type of energy. So as a ghost is manifesting, it’s thought that heat is being pulled out.”

Keyes adds that he has been on paranormal investigations where temperatures have dropped up to 10 degrees in just seconds.

“We’ve had team members actually put their hand in cold spots and their hand felt like it was burning, it was so cold,” he shared.


2. Unexplained noises

Whether it be footsteps in the attic or hushed voices down the hall when no one is home, spirits may present themselves via sounds living humans can hear in the physical world. These unexplained noises are believed to be telltale signs of a haunting.

Believers of the paranormal universe suggest that entities may make noise to draw attention or to communicate with the living. They may be helpful spirits who want to warn you if a tragedy unfolded on your property. They may be vengeful entities who want you off the property and may cause noise to disturb you or scare you away.

While some of these sounds, such as creaking or groaning can be attributed to natural causes like the house settling or drafts, some people insist that these noises are supernatural.

3. Objects move with no explanation

Let’s say you put your wallet on the nightstand next to your bed. You leave the room for a bit and are shocked to return and discover that the wallet has been moved to a different spot. If you’re completely sure that no one else was in the house at the time to move it, and you can confirm that you didn’t move it yourself, spirits could be responsible for the unexplained movement.

Even though spirits may not be able to physically move an object by picking it up or touching it, they can gather energy in the spirit world that manipulates objects on earth. Believers of the paranormal world claim that spirits may move objects when they are trying to send a message to the living.

If the spirit is your deceased grandmother who is still in the house, she may move the cooking whisk to an area where you can see it so that you will be reminded of all the memories you have baking with her. Maybe you were especially missing her and she wanted to send you a sign that she has always been watching over you.


4. Shadows that look like people appear

If you happen to spot a shadow that resembles a human figure lurking within the walls of your home, it may be an indication that spirits are roaming the halls. These shadow-like figures are dark, humanoid or masses can be perceived as spirits or other entities.

Often referred to as “shadow people,” these entities are often believed to be dangerous, with some people who have encountered them even reporting that the figures lunge at them.

However, others believe that they are friendly spirits visiting their loved ones on earth, even if they may appear to be dark and frightening. Your interpretation of these shadow figures will all depend on your personal, religious and cultural beliefs.


5. Your pet’s behavior changes

It is said that animals are more sensitive to the spirit world than humans due to their heightened senses, and they may be able to pick up on supernatural beings that we can’t. If they are sensing certain energies in our homes, they may become more reactive (Excessive barking and running) or more skittish (hiding in closets and often have their tails between their legs).

Jackson Galaxy, a cat behavior and wellness expert, and the host of Animal Planet’s “My Cat From Hell,” told The Cut is a strong believer of the spirit world, and believes pets are able to see spirits when we can’t. He notes that his own pet cats often stare at the wall, potentially picking up unseen energies in the home.

“I start from a place of saying there’s no way we’re the only sentient beings in the universe. I think it’s hubris to think of us as the only beings in an inhabitable, spiritual, energetic world,” Galaxy shared.

So the next time your dog is barking at what appears to be nothing or your cat is hissing and cowering in front of a closed door, it could be because there’s a ghost right in front of them!

6. Electrical disturbances

Paranormal investigators believe that spirits can manipulate electronics, whether it be through disrupting our cell phone signals or flickering lights. This is because spirits often harness high energy that allows them to make changes in the physical world.

During paranormal investigations, teams often rely on the use of EMF meters (Electromagnetic Field meter) to determine the presence of entities. It is believed that unusual spikes in EMF readings might be a sign of paranormal activity.

Joni Mayham, an author and paranormal investigator recalled an instance on her blog where she was called to a home where the owners believed that there was a spirit haunting the basement.

“It took me about five seconds to figure it out. Beside the doorway was a very large electrical box. I put my EMF meter near it and immediately got a very high reading,” she shared.


7. You experience a feeling of being watched

When someone is watching us, even if we may not be able to see them, we are often filled with a sense of dread and eerie discomfort. Humans have evolved to be highly sensitive to the presence of others, even if their presence may not be apparent in the physical world. Our ancestors always had to be on their guard, looking out for possible dangers. This survival instinct was passed down generations.

In environments like haunted houses — where people may feel more vulnerable or on edge — our brains may become extra sensitive to subtle cues, triggering the feeling of being watched.


8. Doors or windows slam on their own

Just like they have the ability to cause electrical disturbances and move objects, spirits have the power to suddenly slam doors or windows if they are present in our home. Doors are often seen as thresholds between the physical and spirit realms, and they may slam or knock on them to cross over and interact with the living.

Spirits may slam doors for other reasons depending on the type of haunting. If the doors open and close lightly on their own, it may indicate a harmless spirit who is repeating some of their daily routines they did while they were still alive.

If they are slammed aggressively and loudly, it may be a sign of a mischievous or vengeful spirit who wants to make their presence known.


9. You have disturbing dreams or nightmares

Even if they may not harm you physically, spirits in your home could manipulate your brain into having disturbing and vivid dreams. They may show themselves via images while you sleep since some people cannot see them in the physical world.

If you are hyperaware of the possibility of your house being haunted, that may also impact your dreams since your stress levels may be increased. If you’re already on edge because you believe there may be a spirit in your home, your dreams might reflect those feelings.


10. You have unexplained feelings of dread

When spirits are haunting our homes, we may feel a sense of heaviness in the air, which can impact our overall mood. A study published in Science Direct found that those who strongly believe in the spirit world are more likely to attribute negative emotions to the presence of spirits.

The idea of sharing your house with dead people can be frightening, and being at home may trigger feelings of depression, anxiety and fear. Some people who are subjected to hauntings even report feeling angry if there are vengeful entities in their homes that can project their energies onto living humans.

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