I love my breast; I love my life more
I am a proud breast owner. I love my pesky breasts. When the weather is cold, I sometimes alternate my hands between my thighs and my one cedi toogbei – breast (of course, there is rarely 1 cedi toogbei in the capital today, shows you how mini my breasts look.)
I want a man who loves breasts. I feel super when any “man ” in my life gazes at my little braless breast in a T-shirt with rapt attention like I do when I am trying to grasp a difficult mathematical concept.
When I posted a graphic designed poem on my WhatsApp status, someone asked if it was for a campaign against breast cancer. I told him that apart from the pink ribbon, nothing says so for me. I just posted it because it was an erotic poem.
He opined that it was a great post for the campaign. I stood my ground with points to back my position of course.
I indicated the poem just outlined most men’s obsession with breasts. However, breast cancer awareness is more than saving the breast (to satisfy the baby and Baby), it is about saving a woman’s life. If breast cancer is not diagnosed and treated early, she may likely not only lose her breast but her life.
I am a proud breast owner. I love my pesky breasts. When the weather is cold, I sometimes alternate my hands between my thighs and my one cedi toogbei.breast (of course, there is rarely 1 cedi toogbei in the capital today, shows you how mini my breasts look. ) I want a man who loves breasts. I feel super when any “man ” in my life gazes at my little braless breast in a T-shirt with rapt attention like I do when I am trying to grasp a difficult mathematical concept.
Breast is life. Breast is life. Breast gives life and breast can cost you your life. Men and women. For men, erotically, breasts can lead them into trouble if they don’t control their passions. For women, breast can cost their lives if they have late detection of breast cancer and also leave it untreated.

Angelina Jolie had a double mastectomy because her genes predisposes her to having it, to be better safe than sorry, she had her two breasts removed to reduce the occurrence of breast cancer in her life. She also had her womb removed because her mother died of Ovarian cancer ( and her genes also made her more likely to get one herself). Of course, she has her children already and has money to reconstruct her breast. The other women in the picture and many others may not have money to reconstruct their breasts. Are they less of women?
Breast is life but an over obsession with your woman’s breast can put her life in jeopardy.
I have a friend who was having some discomforts in one breast (I like many others was suspicious of breast cancer so I encouraged her to go do tests. So far, the diagnoses has been negative), when she told a young man in her family about her fears, the young man who is medically inclined told her it better not be breast cancer, because if she has breast cancer, her breasts will be cut off and she will find it difficult in her love live, because men love breasts!
(Not true that all diagnosed with breast cancer will loose their breasts), such a statement from men who are close to women is very risky and dangerous. Even as you are feeling your woman’s breast for any detection, what will be your reaction as a man if you detect anything which is later confirmed as breast cancer?
The over obsession with women’s breasts will make them hesitant to have thorough checks of their breasts. Even if they do and breast cancer is detected, they will rather go to prayer camps for a miraculous healing (to safe their breasts and maybe life) than to go to the hospital ( to safe their life’s and maybe breasts (or loose their breasts and save their lives). We know of family and friends who were left in excruciating pains prior to their deaths because they refused early treatments for breast cancer.

We know our men love breasts, but be considerate and not be over obsessive with them. Be careful in your speech around the women you love and generally around women because the popular borborbor song says: Amada menye tsɔme oh. If our men show in word and action that que Sera sera, and they will still love us with half breasts or no breasts, that breasts are an ancillary to their love and attraction to us, women will feel more confident accessing health in areas of breast cancer because cancer starts with the breast but continues to ravage other organs of the body.
Do men have to sit and stare because breast is life?
Of course, I know some women body shame other women. It exists. To them too, no one knows tomorrow. And also, we need to be kind to our fellow women.
Back to the breast geng men, mind your language around us. Words are powerful. Actions are more powerful. Keep being supportive. Feel the breasts and be ready to stand by your woman in every situation. Men can get breast cancer too.
I know some men will not even prefer a reconstructed breast. Clear off. One of the sexist women in Ghana and social media, Stephanie Henson has part of her breasts reconstructed due to breast cancer. Make do with available resources na only a lazy man quarrels with his (available) tools.
Breast is life but breast can cause you your life. And just as the holy book says: If any part of your body is a hindrance to your salvation, cut it off.