How your man can be snatched by another woman
Can your man be ‘stolen’ by another woman?
Snatching another woman’s man means taking him away from her.
A woman wrote a sad thread on Twitter about how her friend snatched her ‘baby daddy’ from her. The so-called friend did so after saying things like ‘you guys are the cutest couple ever’ and attending her baby shower. Suddenly, her friend was now in a relationship with her man, and of course, she is distraught.
While many people say ‘no he wasn’t snatched, he made a choice, and he has agency.’, I believe you can snatch another woman’s man if you put your heart into it.
How does this snatching happen?
So, you can see how well your friend is taken care of by her man and wish that was you and even place yourself in such a position that the man sees you.
One of the 10 commandments is, “You shall not covet your neighbour’s house; you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife…”
Every time we say things like “God when” or “Aww” or fawn over a couple online, we need to check our heart, we might be dealing with some hidden feeling of covetousness and jealousy.
Lack of boundaries
Unpopular opinion, you don’t need to be close friends with your friend’s man and hang out with him when she is not there.
Why are you cooking for him and delivering the food yourself? Why are you asking him for favours? That’s very shady behaviour.
You present yourself as something desirable and even better than what they already have.
Robert Greene in his book, ‘The Act of Seduction’, wrote, “Seduction is a game of psychology, not beauty.”
“Every seduction has two elements…what is seductive about you; and second, your target and the actions that will penetrate their defences and create surrender.”
Playing on things men love the most
Seduction is never about beauty, but about giving a man what he wants. Men want respect, gratitude, words of affection and most importantly, sex. When women offer this freely, it takes discipline for a man to resist even if they have something similar, there is a novelty to it.
Snatching is one-sided, it involves seduction. Some men are the ones who pursue the other woman, but even then, the other woman has the moral responsibility to say no.
But most women are thinking of what they stand to gain from such men and won’t say no. In that case, no one snatched the other, they started an affair.
Whether they had an affair or he was snatched, don’t fight the man or the woman, just let them go.