
How to detect envy & handle envious people

Source The Ghana Report

It is our nature to constantly compare ourselves to others, in terms of money, looks, coolness, intelligence, popularity, among other things.

Intelligence is the most sensitive trigger point for envy.

People who praise you too much, or who become overly friendly in the first stages of knowing you are often envious and are getting closer in order to hurt you. You should be wary of such behavior.

If we are upset that someone we know is more successful than we are, we will naturally experience some envy. We tell ourselves that the success of another person is a matter of luck, or came through their connections, or that it won’t last. The envious sometimes discharge their emotions by sabotaging or obstructing the other person.

1. If you have the gift for a certain skill, you should make a point of occasionally displaying some weaknesses in another area. This enables you to avoid the danger of appearing too perfect, too talented.

2. If you are dealing with the insecure type, you can develop great interest in their work and even turn to them for advice.

3. You must be careful not to boast of your success, and if necessary, ascribe it to just good luck on your part.

4. It is always wise to occasionally reveal your own insecurities, which will humanize you in other people’s eyes.

5. Self-deprecating humor will work wonders as well.

6. You must be particularly careful to never make people feel stupid in your presence.

7. It is best to maintain a nonthreatening exterior and to blend in well with the group, at least until you are so successful it no longer matters.

8. Surround yourself with successful people. You become like the people you spend the most time with. The aspiration to become like them acts inspirationally and remove any trace of envy in you. Successful people encourage us never to give up on our dreams.

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