
How To Become An International Consultant

In the late 1970s, he met a seminar leader who had just returned from Australia. He told his friend that he, too, wanted to travel and speak around the globe. This friend asked himself what he would need to become an international consultant. So he called the passport office and asked them to send him an application. He then purchased a clock that showed all the international time zones. He got business cards printed with the words INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT on them.

Finally, he decided that Australia would be the first place he would like to go, so he went to a travel agency and got a huge travel poster featuring the city of Sydney. Every day while he took breakfast, he looked at that poster on his refrigerator and imagined being in Australia.

Less than a year later, he was invited to conduct seminars in Sydney and Brisbane. As soon as he started acting as if he was an international consultant, the universe responded by treating him like one–the powerful law of attraction at work.

The law of attraction simply states that like attracts like. The more you create the vibration, the mental and emotional states, of already having something, the faster you attract it to you. This is the immutable law of the universe and critical to accelerating your rate of success.


From the book by Jack Canfield ( The 25 principles of success)

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