
Heroic Ghanaian Doctor Saves Passenger’s Life Mid-Flight

Source The Ghana Report

A routine Delta Airlines flight from Accra to New York turned into a medical emergency when a passenger suffered cardiac arrest.

Four hours into the journey from the Kotota International Airport, the unexpected happened as an elderly passenger fell unconscious.

An urgent announcement echoed through the cabin: “Is there a doctor on board?”

Upon hearing the announcement, Ghanaian medical professional Dr. Enoch Afriyie quickly volunteered to assist.

He found the patient unresponsive with vomit on his jacket and no carotid pulse, indicating cardiac arrest.

A nurse and a paediatrician also stepped up to provide support.

Dr. Afriyie recounted the intense moments on LinkedIn, detailing how he responded to the urgent call for help.

With the help of the nurse and paediatrician, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) was quickly initiated.

The team requested essential medical equipment from the flight crew and worked together to restore the passenger’s pulse within five minutes.

The patient regained consciousness and was stabilized with oxygen until the plane landed at JFK Airport.

The team’s swift and cohesive action ensured the passenger’s safety until paramedics transported him to a nearby hospital for further treatment.

Delta Airlines has acknowledged the efforts of Dr. Afriyie in a statement and offered a travel credit voucher as a token of appreciation.

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