
Heavy rainstorm to hit Ghana today – Meteo Agency

Source The Ghana Report

The Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet) reports that two rainstorms are heading toward the country today, Friday, 10 June 2022.

“Areas within the coastal and northern sectors will be hit by heavy rainfall accompanied by strong winds and thundery conditions. The Greater Accra, Western, and Volta Regions will be hit by the storm approaching from the Eastern Gulf,” a forecast released by the agency on Friday morning said.

The agency listed the areas to be affected as Accra, Axim, Aflao, Ho, and Saltpond.

The forecast also projects that another storm observed over northern Ghana is expected to produce thunderstorms and rain.

“In this regard, areas to be affected include; Kintampo, Tumu, Bole, Bawku, Yendi, and Tamale,” GMet explained.

The Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet) classified its warning as orange.

An orange weather warning is second on the classification list of the level of risk to life and property. The agency, therefore, warns persons living in the affected areas to be prepared for harsh conditions should the storm occur.

Communities captured in the coastal regions are expected to experience extreme weather conditions between 7:00 and 10:00 GMT, whilst the storm for the northern sector is expected to hit between 10:00 and 13:00 GMT.

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Destruction by floods

Many lives have been lost and properties destroyed due to the annual floods.

In 2011, floods in the country resulted in the death of more than 30 people nationwide, with 15 victims in Accra.

In 2015, 159 people were confirmed dead from a twin disaster of floods and fire explosion.

It was one of the deadliest catastrophes to befall the country, leading to days of mourning as families lost their loved ones.

A fire explosion occurred after several hours of rain and flooding around the Kwame Nkrumah Interchange enclave.

In June 2020, a man died trying to warn neighbours about flooding at Odawna in Accra.

A resident explained that the deceased was trying to salvage some items during the flooding when he was electrocuted.

At Achimota, a bus was trapped in a storm drain. It was not carrying passengers. At least 20 persons were rescued from that incident after a downpour that lasted hours.

Flooding in Accra has also killed people and displaced people in the city in 1995, 1997, 2001 and 2010.

Interventions by authorities

For many Ghanaians, the annual ritual of the capital city flooding has become a cause of anger.

Efforts by the city authorities to check the situation continue to be undermined by recalcitrant residents and the weak enforcement of bye-laws.

The government has attempted to address this problem by dredging rivers and gutters before rainy seasons, but this appears to be ineffective.

In May 2019, President Nana Akufo-Addo inspected two major projects handed out in 2016 to Dredge Masters Limited for the desilting and dredging of the Odaw channel and restoration of the Korle Lagoon to avert the perennial flooding in Accra.

The scope of work also included the redesign and construction of the KLERP interceptor and breakwater at the outfall.

The channel under the scope starts from the Odaw Onyasia confluence at Carprice in Accra, through Avenor, Kwame Nkrumah Interchange, and the Agbogbloshie-South Kaneshie drain (the Upper and Lower Lagoon).

The two projects the president inspected were the Accra Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water Drainage Alleviation Project at Circle and the Drainage Construction at Kaneshie 1st Light Intersection.

Other causes of floods are the improper planning of settlement in Accra, choked gutters that block the drainage system and a few other human factors.

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