A heartbreaking incident occurred in Akyem Anamase near Oda in the Eastern Region last Friday when Chief Inspector Godwin Beniba, the groom, collapsed and died during his wedding ceremony.
Information gathered indicates that Beniba, the Station Officer at the Anamase Police Station, arrived at the Anamase Hotel, the venue for his wedding ceremony, accompanied by his best men.
While he was waiting for the arrival of his bride, Florence Debrah, he suddenly complained of dizziness and fell to the floor.
Despite efforts to rush him to the hospital, Beniba was pronounced dead on arrival at the Anamase Clinic.
The tragic news sent shockwaves through the hundreds of attendees, including police personnel who had traveled from across the country to witness the union.
The wedding venue was quickly emptied as invitees left in sorrow, leaving behind large quantities of food and drinks.
The community of Akyem Anamase is still reeling from the tragedy, with residents mourning the loss and struggling to celebrate the Christmas season.
Beniba’s family, who had traveled from the Northern Region, arranged for his body to be transported to the Oda Government Hospital morgue for autopsy and preservation.