
Government delegation visits Komenda accident survivors

Source The Ghana Report/Sefanam Agbobli

A government delegation will today Thursday, January 16, 2020 visit survivors of the komenda road accident which claimed 35 lives and injured several others on Tuesday.

The delegation, which is led by the Ministers for Roads and Transport, Kwesi Amoako-Atta and Kwaku Ofori Asiamah, will leave Accra to also engage doctors and nurses who are attending to the injured.

President Akufo-Addo earlier in a message consoled families of the deceased and wished the injured a speedy recovery.

Thursday’s visit by the delegation will also allow the ministers to engage with the National Road Safety Authority in the Central Region on ways to ensure greater compliance with transport safety regulations, especially among commercial road users.

Preliminary investigations have blamed the incident on over-speeding from the drivers of the two passengers vehicles.

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