
Globe-trotting: 7 professionals who require frequent travel

Source The Ghana Report

Experiencing other places may be a dream for many workers, particularly those behind desks from 8 am to 5 pm.

But for others who chose certain career paths, this dream is the reality in their everyday work.

Their jobs may look glamorous but the numerous travels may pose a risk and may rob these professionals of precious time with family.

Their jobs, as tedious as they may be, allow them to earn income while exploring the world.

As exciting and eye-opening as travelling the world is, this lifestyle may not be for everyone.

Before embarking on any of these career paths, The Ghana Report has highlighted some professionals who require frequent travel.

Cabin Crew/Pilots

travelling professionals

The life of cabin crew (flight attendants and other airline employees in the cabin) and pilots may seem glamorous. Constantly jetting around the world, experiencing different cultures, 90 per cent off airline tickets, hotel discounts, cheap rent, and employment in the clouds.

It may be the most obvious travel-related job.

The hours are frequently erratic and the work isn’t always easy, but they get a glimpse of hundreds of cities across the globe during this career.

Sports persons

Travelling is a huge part of the jobs of professional sportsmen and women. They travel for international competitions as well as local ones.

For instance, footballers sometimes travel to a number of countries within a week to play World Cup and continental tournament qualifiers. They also frequently embark on international friendlies and training tours.

This exposes them to so many countries, people, and cultures and sometimes influences their perspectives on the world at large.


travelling professionals

Whether on campaign trails, national assignments, conferences, solidarity, or friendly visits, politicians and diplomats have busy travel itineraries.

Sometimes diplomats are required to relocate several times throughout their lives and may have to move to a new country every two or three years while representing their countries.


A huge part of many seaman jobs involves traveling. Sometimes these workers travel for months, stopping at different ports worldwide.

Treacherous weather conditions sometimes characterize these long and frequent travels

International business people

travelling professionals
Portrait of a businessman boarding into a corporate jet

Business travel has always been an essential part of the corporate world, providing opportunities to meet clients face-to-face, attend conferences and networking events, and explore new markets.

It also comes with challenges such as stress and a lack of a social life.


A musician on tour

Entertainers such as musicians and actors are globe-trotters.

Actors often work on film and television sets, which require travel to different filming locations while musicians travel on tours and locations to shoot music videos.

Some of these entertainers get the luxury of traveling with family on these trips but others endure the long lonely weeks until they can return home.


travelling professionals

The journalism field offers practitioners, particularly journalists on sponsored trips and government delegations. The list includes photojournalists and media practitioners who have the opportunity to travel frequently and cover a diverse range of experiences and topics.

These travels may be international but are mostly local which gives journalists a very wide knowledge and appreciation of the places, people, and culture of their native countries.

There are some risks associated with this as some journalists have lost their lives in the line of duty either through accidents or attacks. In your view, which of the above professionals are the most peripatetic?

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