
Global coronavirus recoveries top 1million

The number of people who have successfully defeated COVID-19, the disease caused by the deadly coronavirus, has surpassed one million across the globe, according to tracking website Worldometer.

As at 3 pm on April 30, the number of global recoveries reported by the website was 1,016,978, but US-based research university, Johns Hopkins University, reported 992,592.

Total recorded cases are 3,249,264 with 229,428 deaths. This implies one recovery for every three cases and one death for every 14 cases.

The US, with 1,067,382 cases and 61,849 deaths, leads the recovery log with 147,480 people followed by Spain which has recorded 137,984 recoveries out of 239,639 total cases with 24,543 deaths.

Germany, China and Iran follow in that order with 123,500; 77,610; and 75,103 cases respectively.

Majority of the infections are mild or moderate, with fever and cough symptoms clearing up after two to three weeks.

The aged and persons with health problems develop severe complications and sickness such as pneumonia leading to deaths.

For every one recovery, there are five pending cases being managed at various health facilities designated by authorities in Ghana, placing the West African country below the world benchmark.

However, Ghana is doing better with fatalities, with one death for every 122 cases.




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