
GITFIC-AfCFTA tertiary clubs seeks to unleash free trade benefits

Source The Ghana Report

As part of their plans to educate the continent of the benefits of the African Continental free trade area (AfCFTA), the Ghana International Trade and Finance Conference is inaugurating tertiary clubs to spread the word.

Since March this year, GITFIC has so far inaugurated the GITFiC-AfCFTA Students Club at the Tertiary Level in both public and private Universities.

“As authorities on the subject matter since 2019, having successfully organized the 3rd annual conference at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa and subsequently launching the first AfCFTA-endorsed book; we considered it prudent to loop in Africa’s educational structures and the academia into the subject and support the continental implementation to a success”.

A statement signed by Mr. Selasi Koffi Ackom, Chief Executive Officer of the GITFiC and copied to the Ghana News Agency in Accra said so far the tertiary arm of the GITFiC-AfCFTA Students Club had been established at the University of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, University for Development Studies, and All Nations University.

It said plans were afoot to extend the clubs to other tertiary institutions in the coming days.

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