
GHS issues alert after recording 9 cases of Dengue Fever

Source The Ghana Report

The Ghana Health Service (GHS) has issued an alert following the detection of nine cases of Dengue Fever in the Eastern Region. 

The alert comes after the national surveillance system identified unusual cases of clinical malaria which did not respond to antimalarial treatment, prompting further investigation.

In a statement issued on Sunday, July 14, the health service said these cases were managed as acute febrile illnesses and were confirmed as Dengue Fever by the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR).

The service has therefore directed Regional Directors of Health Service and Chief Executive Officers of Teaching Hospitals to communicate this information to all health workers.

“The national surveillance system detected unusual cases of clinical malaria in some districts of the Eastern Region. These cases were not responding to antimalarial treatment and were therefore managed as acute febrile illness and samples sent to Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR).

“A total of nine of such cases have been confirmed as Dengue Fever. Following that a team from the national level made up of entomologists and epidemiologists have joined the regional team to undertake a detailed outbreak investigation.

“We request Regional Directors of Health Service and Chief Executive Officers of Teaching Hospitals to ensure this alert on Dengue Fever is communicated to all health workers in the respective Regions, Districts and Hospitals, including the Mission and Private Facilities.”

Read the full statement below:

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