
GHANASS, O’Reilly headteachers interdicted

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has interdicted the headteachers of Ghana Senior High School(GHANASS) and O’Reilly Senior High School for various offences.

This was contained in separate letters dated December 6 and December 7, 2023, issued by the regional education offices of the Greater Accra and Eastern Region to the respective headteachers.

Patience Naki Mensah, the headmistress of GHANASS, was “asked to step aside with effect from 7th December 2023 for further investigation to be conducted into the allegation” of unauthorised sale of items for Form One students.

Nadia Lartechoe Annan, the headmistress of O’Reilly SHS, was directed to step aside pending investigations into an alleged collection of unauthorised fees as part of the admission process.

These add up to the number of interdicted headteachers of SHSs within eight months over similar offences.

In April 2023, GES interdicted the headmaster of Fijai Senior High School over the collection of illegal fees in the school.

The GES also interdicted the headmistress of West Africa Senior High School (WASS) in July 2023 for collecting unauthorised student fees.

Below is the letter from GES to GHANASS headmistress

interdicted headteachers

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