Ghana’s Judicial Service Delivery, Its Consequence on our Worldviews and Educational System
Justice is the only true freedom. Justice is one of our society’s most fundamental concepts. It is what our civilization strives towards. It is what drives us to strive for a more just and equal world. Injustice has a negative impact on our worldviews.
Among other things, judicial inefficiency in our society is the fundamental cause of various forms of street justice, vigilantism, spiritual justice, and other forms of lawlessness in the country. Many people have expressed worry about excessive delays, corruption, and other types of deficiencies in the judiciary, which have all had a negative impact on the country’s human rights standards and the integrity of the judiciary in particular.
A timely, just, and acceptable process for addressing this issue has not been established, leaving citizens with little choice but to construct their own private remedies, which are predominantly violent and limit the rights of their targets. For swift and just results, some of these remedies have had to rely on supernatural forces. This is a belief shared by several groups of people in the country.
Imprecation (spoken curse) as a spiritual justice mechanism has become so commonplace that it is permeating every aspect of our culture. In modern age, it is widely assumed that spiritual justice is swift and freely available to everybody. In traditional society, “duab)” culture was a religious customary manner of obtaining justice, and it still exists in modern democratic system.
What we have failed to appreciate as a society is the impact of this normalized culture on our worldview and how it manifests itself in various facets of our life. My mentor, Pastor Ansere Francis, describes worldview as a paradigm; as a belief system or mindset, and this paradigm becomes a lens through which one interprets life; that is, the best way to comprehend any person is to understand their belief system or worldview. It is the belief system that determines what is and is not acceptable in terms of truth and deception regarding nature and the supernatural. The “Duab)” culture has infiltrated our belief system, and the results are terrible.
Excessive delays, corruption, and other forms of weakness in the judiciary have prompted many to rely on spiritual forces, causing many to unintentionally subscribe to an animistic worldview. It is vital to remember that a nation and its progress are dependent on how many people subscribe to a particular worldview. The more pressing question now is what the repercussions of an animistic worldview are as a result of our ineffective justice system.
An animistic worldview holds that spirit beings are responsible for every human element, or that spirit beings intervene in human affairs and can either aid or damage human interests. For example, there are spirits in trees, mountains, forests, rivers, the sun, moon, and stars, and because there is spirit in them, we should not destroy them; instead, we must respect their demands and do whatever they want us to do, which is a typical African perspective.
The problem of an animistic worldview is that it makes us vulnerable to the spirits that lurk behind nature. We have no power over the spirit; all we can do is beg and always please them.
In this worldview, we see life as a wheel on which we live, mature, and die. Future cannot be better in this worldview. Life is cyclical in this worldview, and there is no hope for future. Living does not move anywhere, and we are only attempting to keep what little we have.
The challenge now is whether we can change history in this worldview that values tradition and the present quo and believes that you cannot question things. Unfortunately, this ideology has infiltrated our educational system, which is the foundation of every nation, and has crippled the minds of our people. An Educational system where students cannot ask questions and must follow the teacher hook line and sinker, a system where students are allowed to memorize their way through the hierarchy of our educational system. This system cannot develop our nation.
“The objective of education is to help us see the future,” my mentor Pastor Ansere once remarked, “and any educational endeavor that does not finish with you being empowered to see tomorrow and create tomorrow or a better future, is not education.”
Every true education must equip you with two things:
1. Thinking ability
2. The art of questioning
We think in order to produce discoveries, and we ask questions in order to advance and progress. This animistic worldview, which persists in our culture, is the result of poor judicial service delivery combined with corruption, which has a long-term impact on our educational system in terms of originality and invention. Our nation’s issues and challenges can be overcome if we have innovative thinkers with the appropriate worldview. This can only be accomplished if our judicial system is functional and efficient to reverse this long-standing notion.
Gilbert Tindaana