
‘Ghana estimated to record 32,000 infections in 30 days – Six things we learned from Newsfile

In week two of Joy TV Newsfile’s discussions on coronavirus infections, Ghana’s health system was analysed to determine its level of preparedness.


The panel also discussed worst-case scenarios and why the fact-based alarm is better than hope-based calm.


Here are six things we learned;

  1. Don’t worry about the death rate; fear the transmission rate.

According to a pharmacist with 15-years professional experience, George Yeboah Kesse, we need not fear deaths because of coronavirus. The rates are low. What should be our concern is the transmission rate of the virus that has no cure.

He said how to control the transmission is most critical because more transmissions could cripple the health system, and that’s when doctors may have to choose who lives or doesn’t as it is happening in Italy.


  1. Ghana is estimated to get 32,000 infections within 30 days.

So how worried should we be about the infection rate? George Kesse, who is also MD and consultant at Royal Crown Consult, explained that based on the current infections of 19, Ghana is likely to record 32,000 infections within the next 30 days.

The pharmacist has explained transmission rates “doubles every three days.” He said for each one infected person, 10 others are at risk. According to him, there is a formula experts use to predict the transmission rate. Ghana’s situation is “very alarming”, he said.


  1. Lockdown is the most logical thing to do.

According to the pharmacist, all the highlighted measures are a pale shadow of the real solution.  “You cannot control it by hygiene,” he said, explaining that good personal hygiene only slows down transmission.

The pharmacist was emphatic that, “you can only control it by isolation.

“Frankly, that is the only way out,” he emphasised.

“We cannot improve our bed capacity; we cannot train more doctors. It is too late. We should start devoting all our resources towards supporting people in a shutdown.”

He said countries with better healthcare systems have had to lockdown as it is the only successful means of dealing with COVID -19.


  1. The fact-based alarm is better than hope-based calm.

The pharmacist rejected suggestions that his views were alarmist. He explained people who worry about alarm “don’t have a good idea” of the dangers involved with coronavirus.  He elaborated that the disease will overwhelm our health system if the transmission is not stopped. He urged Ghanaian authorities to learn from Italy, which appeared to have dilly-dallied in its response and is now carrying dead bodies away for cremation.

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  1. The transport system may have to shut down.

Two health experts believe Ghana’s transport system may have to shut down as it could be a loaded transmission agent for coronavirus. Dr Titus Beyou, a member of the Infectious Committee of Ghana, believes perhaps the number of passengers on commercial buses should be reduced to two per row. But the pharmacist was emphatic that transport should be shut.


  1. The middle class is a sick class.

According to the pharmacist, seven out of 10 middle to higher-income families in Ghana have chronic diseases–hypertension, diabetes, etc. This category is most vulnerable to death by a coronavirus, according to global experts.

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1 Comment
  1. Anonymous says

    All cases are imported. main solution is to close international airport.
    All airports have finger print scanners and all travellers scan their fingers on these same machines.
    Therefore, without closing airport, all measures may be wasted and also, all ships coming from foreign countries should not be given shore pass for their crew to enter the country.

    However, the infected ones can be given chloroquine ,

    Remdesivir is an experimental broad-spectrum antiviral drug originally designed to target Ebola.

    Researchers have found that remdesivir is highly effective at fighting the novel coronavirus in isolated cellsTrusted Source.

    This treatment is not yet approved in humans, but two clinical trials for this drug have been implemented in China. One clinical trial was recently also approved by the FDA in the United States.

    Chloroquine is a drug that’s used to fight malaria and autoimmune diseases. It’s been in use for more than 70 yearsTrusted Source and is considered safe.

    Researchers have discovered that this drug is effective at fighting the SARS-CoV-2 virus in studies done in test tubes.

    At least 10 clinical trialsTrusted Source are currently looking at the potential use of chloroquine as an option for combating the novel coronavirus.

    Lopinavir and ritonavir
    Lopinavir and ritonavir are sold under the name Kaletra and are designed to treat HIV.

    In South Korea, a 54-year-old man was given a combination of these two drugs and had a significant reductionTrusted Source in his levels of the coronavirus.

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there could be benefits to using Kaletra in combination with other drugs.

    A clinical trial is set to start soon in China to examine the potential of a drug called APN01 to fight the novel coronavirus.

    The scientists who first developed APN01 in the early 2000s discovered that a certain protein called ACE2 is involved in SARS infections. This protein also helped protect the lungs from injury due to respiratory distress.

    From recent research, it turns out that the 2019 coronavirus, like SARS, also uses the ACE2 protein to infect cells in humans.

    The randomized, dual-arm trial will look at the effect of the medication on 24 patients for 1 week. Half of the participants in the trial will receive the APN01 drug, and the other half will be given a placebo. If results are encouraging, larger clinical trials will be done.

    China has approved the use of the antiviral drug favilavir to treat symptoms of COVID-19. The drug was initially developed to treat inflammation in the nose and throat.

    Although the results of the study haven’t been released yet, the drug has supposedly shown to be effective in treating COVID-19 symptoms in a clinical trial of 70 people.

    What should you do if you think you have symptoms of COVID-19?

    Not everyone with a SARS-CoV-2 infection will feel ill. Some people may even contract the virus and not develop symptoms. When there are symptoms, they’re usually mild and tend to come on slowly.

    COVID-19 seems to cause more severe symptoms in older adults and people with underlying health conditions, such as chronic heart or lung conditions.

    If you think you have symptoms of COVID-19, follow this protocol:

    Gauge how sick you are. Ask yourself how likely it is that you came into contact with the coronavirus. If you live in a region that has had an outbreak, or if you’ve recently traveled abroad, you may be at an increased risk of exposure.

    Call your doctor. If you have mild symptoms, call your doctor. To reduce transmission of the virus, many clinics are encouraging people to call or use live chat instead of coming into a clinic. Your doctor will evaluate your symptoms and work with local health authorities and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to determine if you need to be tested.

    Stay home. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or another type of viral infection, stay home and get plenty of rest. Be sure to stay away from other people and avoid sharing items like drinking glasses, utensils, keyboards, and phones.

    When do you need medical care?

    About 80 percentTrusted Source of people recover from COVID-19 without needing hospitalization or special treatment.

    If you’re young and healthy with only mild symptoms, your doctor will likely advise you to isolate yourself at home and to limit contact with others in your household. You’ll likely be advised to rest, stay well hydrated, and to closely monitor your symptoms.

    If you’re an older adult, have any underlying health conditions, or a compromised immune system, be sure to contact your doctor as soon as you notice any symptoms. Your doctor will advise you on the best course of action.

    If your symptoms worsen with home care, it’s important to get prompt medical care. Call your local hospital, clinic, or urgent care to let them know you’ll be coming in, and wear a face mask once you leave your home. You can also call 911 for immediate medical attention.

    How to avoid infection from the coronavirus

    The novel coronavirus is primarily transmitted from person to person. At this point, the best way to prevent getting infected is to avoid being around people who have been exposed to the virus.

    Additionally, according to the CDCTrusted Source, you can take the following precautions to lower your risk of infection:

    Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

    Use hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol if soap isn’t available.

    Avoid touching your face unless you’ve recently washed your hands.

    Stay clear of people who are coughing and sneezing. The CDC recommends standing at least 6 feet away from anyone who appears to be sick.

    Avoid crowded areas as much as possible.

    Older adults are at the highest risk of infection and may want to take extra precautions to avoid coming into contact with the virus.

    The bottom line
    At this point in time, there’s no vaccine to protect you from the novel coronavirus, also known as SARS-CoV-2. There also are no special medications approved to treat the symptoms of COVID-19.

    However, researchers around the world are working hard to develop potential vaccines and treatments.

    There’s emerging evidence that some medications may have the potential to treat the symptoms of COVID-19. More large-scale testing is needed to determine if these treatments are safe. Clinical trials for these drugs could take several months

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