
How To Perceive Love

Leo Buscaglia — American Author born on March 31, 1924.

Felice Leonardo “Leo” Buscaglia PhD, was a professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Southern California.

Author-lecturer Leo Buscaglia – known internationally as “The Love Doctor” and “Dr. Hug” – died of a heart attack Thursday, June 11, 1998, at his home in Glenbrook, Nev., near Lake Tahoe. He was 74.

The author of a series of best-selling books on loving and human relationships, Buscaglia was a professor of special education and counseling at the School of Education for nearly 20 years.


…  he said, ”the way to anybody’s heart is through a thoughtfully-prepared, beautifully-executed, lovingly-presented meal”. he also said,  ”Love is not a thing, it is not lost when given. You can offer your love completely to hundreds of people and still retain the same love …” as well as the specially highlighted all-powerful quote  ”As soon as the love relationship does not lead me to me, as soon as I in a love relationship do not lead another person to himself, this love, even if it seems to be the most secure and ecstatic attachment I have ever experienced, is not true love. For real love is dedicated to continual becoming.”

Below are some of his powerful quotes.

Leo Buscaglia, popularly called doctor love in America


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