
George Pell: Cardinal jailed for child sexual abuse in Australia

Cardinal George Pell has been jailed for six years after being convicted of sexually abusing two boys in Australia.

The former Vatican treasurer is the most senior Catholic figure ever to be found guilty of sexual offences against children.

Pell abused the 13-year-old choir boys in a Melbourne cathedral in 1996, a jury ruled last year.

The cardinal, 77, maintains his innocence and has lodged an appeal.

In sentencing Pell on Wednesday, a judge said the cleric had committed “a brazen and forcible sexual attack on the two victims”.

“Your conduct was permeated by staggering arrogance,” said Judge Peter Kidd.

In December, a jury unanimously convicted Pell of one charge of sexually penetrating a child under 16, and four counts of committing an indecent act on a child under 16.

His conviction has rocked the Catholic Church, where he had been one of the Pope’s closest advisers.

Abuse survivors were among those who travelled to Melbourne on Wednesday to witness Pell’s sentencing before a packed courtroom.

Pell will be eligible for parole after three years and eight months. His appeal will be heard in June.ADVERTISEMENT

What did the court hear previously?

Prosecutors said that Pell had abused the boys following a mass in St Patrick’s Cathedral in 1996, when he was archbishop of Melbourne.

After telling them they were in trouble for drinking communion wine, Pell forced each boy into indecent acts, the court heard. He abused one of the boys again in 1997.

The trial heard testimony from one of the victims. The other died of a drug overdose in 2014.

Cardinal Pell bows as he shakes hands with Pope Francis at a session of Synod at the Vatican in 2015
Pell has been a close adviser to Pope Francis in recent years

The verdict was kept secret from the public until February, when additional charges of sexual offences against Pell were withdrawn by prosecutors.

What did the judge say?

Judge Kidd said Pell’s crimes were particularly callous because of a “stark” power imbalance.

“You were the Archbishop of St Patrick’s Cathedral – no less – and you sexually abused two choir boys within that cathedral,” he told the County Court of Victoria.

“You even told your victims to be quiet because they were crying.”

The judge said he had considered Pell’s age and health in determining the length of his jail term. Each of the five charges had carried a maximum 10-year sentence.

Judge Kidd added that that Pell should not “be made a scapegoat” for wider failings within the Catholic Church.

He took more than an hour to deliver his remarks. Unusually for local courts, they were broadcast live – in what officials said was a commitment to “open justice”.

Source: BBC

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