
George HW Bush funeral: Leaders arrive to pay respects

World leaders and dignitaries are arriving in the US to pay their respects at the state funeral of former President George HW Bush.

The body of Mr Bush, which has been lying in state at the US Capitol, will be moved to the National Cathedral later on Wednesday for the funeral.

His son, ex-President George W Bush, will deliver one of the eulogies.

Mr Bush senior, who served as the 41st US president between 1989 and 1993, died on Friday at the age of 94.

He will be buried in his home state of Texas, alongside his wife, Barbara.

What will happen at the funeral?

The invitation-only funeral will begin at the Washington National Cathedral at 09:00 local time (14:00 GMT).

Members of the public pay their respects to former US President George HW Bush. Photo credit : EPA

President Donald Trump, and predecessors Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter will all attend the service.

The Prince of Wales, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Jordan’s King Abdullah II are among the world figures there to pay their respects.

Former leaders, including John Major, who was UK prime minister for most of Mr Bush’s term, will also attend.

Wednesday has been declared a national day of mourning – many government offices, and US stock exchanges, will be closed.

After the funeral, Mr Bush’s body will be flown to Texas, where it will lie in public repose until Thursday morning.

There will be a second service before the Bush 4141 – a train which was named in honour of the president – takes his body to its final resting place at the George HW Bush presidential library.


source: BBC

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