
Ga Traditional Council Lifts Ban On Drumming And Noisemaking

Source The Ghana Report

The Ga Traditional Council has lifted the ban on drumming and noise making which commenced on May 15, 2023.

The Gbese Mantse, Nii Ayi-Bonte II on Thursday, June 15, 2023, at the Gbese Palace in Accra performed some rites to signify that the ban on drumming and noise-making has officially been lifted in Ga Mashie and areas under its jurisdiction.

At the event, the Gbese Mantse played the ‘Odadao’ twin drums to signify the end of the ban, accompanied by cheers and the firing of musketry.

The ceremony was attended by traditional leaders under Ga Mashie, Accra Metropolitan Assembly Mayor, Elizabeth Sackey, the Member of Parliament for Odododiodioo, Edwin Nii Lante Vanderpuye, Wulomei, and local residents.

The ban on drumming and noise-making is a customary rite performed annually before the celebration of the Homowo festival in August.

It is believed that within the one month before the ‘Homowo’ festival which means ‘Hooting At Hunger’, maize seedlings are planted for the preparation of the ‘KpoKpoi’, the food used for the celebration.

The gods who ensure bountiful harvests are said to work effectively without noise hence the ban on drumming and noise-making was observed to ensure that there is a great harvest of corn for the festival.

During the ban on noise-making, churches, mosques, and other social organizations are banned from using public address systems, drums, megaphones, tambourines,  and other items that can produce loud sounds.

Now that the ban is lifted, family members within the affected areas can now organize their elegant funerals, weddings and other parties with systems, and live bands as they wish.

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