
From rooftop to beautiful edifice – The Cedar Mountain Chapel journey

A journey that started some ten years ago on a rooftop at East Legon, has birthed into a beautiful edifice.

Believers of Cedar Mountain Chapel (CMC) on Sunday saw the outdooring and dedication of their multi-faceted church building.

Every so often, a new building will stand out from its surroundings like the finely cut faces of a gem stone capturing one’s eye by reflecting sunlight with each panel and that is what the new CMC represents.

The new chapel which sits on the East Legon land has a 40-man medical team who have volunteered to offer care to members for free, motherly care unit in a
disability friendly environment.

CMC is a church built with the love of God in mind, says the lead pastor of the Cedar Mountain Chapel Dr Stephen Wengam.

Dr Wengam shares the journey to ‘East Legon’ in an exclusive interview with  theghanareport.com.

Rev Dr Stephen Wengam

He said the move from Polyinter to the Guest Hotel through American House now to Cedar City is a true testament of God’s unwavering goodness and his blessings bestowed on the church.

“When the Lord’s word came that we will relocate to accommodate the growing congregation, we only availed ourselves as channels of instruments to be used for God’s purpose.

“We do not take credit for what we are witnessing here but praise God for his unfailing grace,” he said smiling broadly.

He added that members have contributed immensely to the church as it is now and thus the need to give back.

The members have done a lot, so as you can see we have donated 500 bags of cement for the construction of an orphanage dormitory, towards a bible school. We want Ghanaians to know that there are genuine churches and not all of us see the church as a merchandise, not in this place.

“Cedar thinks about the members more than ourselves. During the lockdown, we provided 500 members of our church with some basic necessities like rice and oil. This gesture was also extended to squatters around the church. We want to make the gospel real to the people,” he highlighted.

Dr Wengam and other associate pastors during the dedication

But every journey has its own obstacles and for CMC, the story was not too different.

Specifically with the issue of financial constraint. Dr Wegnam mentioned that he and his wife had to forfeit their dream house to pay for the church land since three people were eager to buy the land at the time.

But he pointed out that the support of the congregation had been enormous. Aside the individual financial contribution, members had prior to this, embarked on a 21-day fasting to bring the church’s dream to fruition.

According to Dr Wengam, prayer gave birth to Cedar Mountain Chapel. He believes the church would not have made it this far without God’s grace and glory.

It is his prayer that the church will draw people closer to God and its teachings would be relevant to societal development.


The church also launched its 10-year-strategic plan during the dedication ceremony.

CMC’s strategic plan will soon see a change from credit union into savings and loan. This will provide members with soft loans to help their businesses to grow.

The plan will also see to awarding brilliant and needy students to further their education in their chosen fields.

Meanwhile, plans have far advanced on the construction of a home for the aged.

Also, to help with the traffic situation in the country, CMC’s plan is to decentralise the church in order for members to fellowship within their respective communities.

What Cedar Chapel International means

    • A church that thirsts for excellence and cries for lost souls, investing resources — time and financial- in growing the kingdom.


    • A church where God receives the best — money, time, talents and resources.


    • A church where caring for each other is the order of the day.


    •  A church where the Lord’s house is kept sacred


    •  A church where one’s presence in the Lord’s edifice does not end one’s communion with Christ but we continously worship in our daily dealings


    • A church where missions receive more attention than many fanciful things


    • A church where you push your faith to provoke the heavens in our favour.


      • A church where the family unit becomes reference point for nation building.


    • A church where the joy of the Lord is the rock


The grand event of the dedication that witnessed many people from all walks of life, also had in attendance former Chief Justice- Georgina Theodora Wood, Member of Parliament for Ayawaso West Wuogon Lydia Alhassan, Presidential Adviser on health-Dr Nsiah Asare, Apostle General of the Royalhouse Chapel International-Rev Sam Korankye Ankrah and associate pastors from US and Kenya.

The night was also crowned with songs from the church choir and praises by celebrated Gospel Musician Diana Hamilton.

  1. ASK XORVE says

    It’s all by God’s grace and glory.

  2. Anonymous says


  3. Anonymous says

    I love this church

  4. Anonymous says

    This is the doing of the Lord. All Glory goes to Him. We know God has just begun a new thing and out of it, many more Glorious things will spring forth to His Glory. Hallelujah!

  5. David Dambot Suguruman says

    The visionary leader (Rev. Dr. Stephen Yennusom Wengam) very Anointed yet humble.
    I love you Papa
    God Bless you Greatly Papa.
    I tap into your Anointing.

  6. Anonymous says

    Thanks to all

  7. Anonymous says


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