
Founders’ Day Obsession

In the year 2018, the Public Holidays Amendment Bill (2018), presented by the former Minister of the Interior, Mr. Ambrose Dery, led to the cancellation of three existing public holidays and introduced two new holidays. This was as a result of a proposal by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. He wanted the 4th of August to be observed as Founders’ Day; a day to celebrate all the ‘Founders of Ghana’.

Firstly, the meaning of the word ‘founder’ must be established. According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, a founder (noun) means, ​a person who starts an organisation, institution, etc. or causes something to be built. That is clear.

Hence, everyone who caused the eventual occurrence or creation of the country currently known as Ghana can conveniently be described as a founder. These include but not limited to all the torchbearers, citizens who supported the formation of Ghana and even oppressors alike can be mentioned in the category of founders.

It is vital to note that I added the oppressors from the point of causation. But for their actions and inactions, there would not have been the expedition to form a new state called Ghana.

Secondly, though it is undeniable the immense and invaluable contribution of the citizens and allies of Ghana in achieving statehood, the torchbearers are identifiable. This means each of them can be honoured on a particular day.

Regardless of the many achievements of humanity, the day that is universally recognised and celebrated widely and consistently are birthdays. I presume it suggests that without the person being born, there would not have been any other achievements to follow. This means each of the torchbearers can be celebrated on their birthdays. Buttressing the assertion that there is enough space on the ocean for every ship to sail.

What then, is the rationale behind submerging other people’s ships in favour of one ship that cannot carry everyone aboard? The plausibility is that drowning is imminent. Three national holidays of substantial magnitude were submerged to keep afloat the Founder’s Day ‘ship’. Namely, African Union Day on 25th May, Republic Day on 1st July and Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day on 21st September.

Why President Akufo-Addo? Could you not have added a Founders’ Day celebration without suppressing these remarkable days? In any case, don’t these identifiable torchbearers have birthdays to be celebrated? In the game of football which involves collaborative effort, the one whose last touch places the ball in the post to warrant a goal is credited with it and the assists duly recognized for their efforts.

As a writer, I know the power of writing. Hence, you cannot submerge documented history when there are meticulous historians alive.

Mr. President, your motive for the Founders’ Day celebration is commendable. However, the subsequent push to have some notable state institutions named after founders consanguineous to you, makes historical vigilantes smell a rat. In conclusion, have you thought of the fact that this can be subject to repeal and the others that are being drowned resuscitated by a future president of the Republic of Ghana?

Happy Founders’ Day! Mr. President.

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