
Five NPP regional executives asked to resign

Five Northern regional executives of the New Patriotic Party have been asked to resign following re-demarcation of administrative boundaries.

The group calling itself the NPP Northern Youth for Peace and Development say the executives no longer belong to the Northern region as they fall under two newly-created ones.

At a press conference Monday, a leader of the group, Ibrahim Mohammed, listed the executives as the Regional Secretary Sulley Sambian who they say now belongs to the North East region.

Northern regional Communications Director Issah Mohammed now falls within the Savannah region.

The Regional chairman Adam Samba, they say, went to cast a YES vote for the creation of the North East region which effectively makes him a resident in the new region.

They also point to the deputy Regional Secretary Haruna Iddrisu whom they say has officially announced, he will be seeking to serve as the NPP’s first regional secretary for the Savannah region.

The group also say it is investigating the eligibility of Hajia Rabi Anyass to hold her position as the Deputy Nasara coordinator as they suspect she is a registered voter in the Upper West region.

The group want these executives to vacate their positions ahead of a National Executives Committee meeting slated for March 12, 2019 to discuss  modalities for replacing regional party executives who find themselves in new regions.


Date: 11-03-2019

Press Release

An Appeal To The National Executive Committee(NEC) and National Council (NC) of the New Patriotic Part To Consider The Current Peace That We Enjoying In Northern Region Most Especially In Dagbon On Their 12th, and 14th, March Meetings On The Modalities And Guidelines To Be Adopted For The Election Of Officers For The Vacant Positions Created Within Our Regional Executives Set Ups After The Creation Of Two More Regions Out Of Northern Region  By H.E President Nana Akufo-Addo

Ladies and Gentlemen of the media, first of all we are most delighted for making it possible to this important media encounter. We are also grateful to the Almighty God for seeing us through a successful Independence day celebrations in Northern.

Our sincere appreciations goes  to H.E President Nana Akufo-Addo Abudani I, Vice President Dr Bawumia, THE Over Lord and King of Dagbon Yaa-Naa Abubakari Mahama II, The Chief of Mion Mahamadu Abdulai, Chief of Savulugu Abdulai Andani, the over Lord of Mamprugu Naa Mahami, the Over Lord of Gonja Land Yagbon-Wura , the National Chief Imam, leadership of the Christian council of Ghana, Ministers of states,CEO’s, Members of Parliament and to all those who made it possible to witnessed this year Ghana 62th, birthday at the Aliu Mahama Sports Stadium we say thank you and may Allah bless us all.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the media, we are here once again to eco our voice on our call for some of our Northern regional officers who falls under  the newly created regions to do the honourable thing by moving back to their various regions to assist in the daily activities of the party there. These regional officers includes the following;

  • Mr Sulley Sambian Regional Secretary- North East region
  • Mr Issah Mohammed Regional Communication Director- Savannah Region who is nursing his parliamentary ambition for the Daboya Mankarigu Constituency
  • Mr Adam Samba Regional chairman who cast his vote for YES for the creation now North East region.
  • Mr Haruna Iddrisu Dpty Regional Secretary- Savanna Region. In the case of Mr Haruna, he has official announce his decision to mova back to Savanna region to serve as their first regional secretary. We wish him all the best of luck.
  • Hajia Rabi Anyass Dpty Regional Nasara coordinator. In the case of this woman, unconfirmed reports available to us indicate that, she is currently a registered voter in Upper West of which we are still investigating and we promised to make the reports available to leadership as soon we are done.

This is an appeal which we believe if taken into consideration by leadership of the party would help strengthen the unity of the party and also help facilitate our victory for 2020 in those regions.

We have been informed from sources within the party headquarters that, on the 12th,of Mach 2019, the National Executives Committee would be meeting to discuss the modalities and guild lines for the replacement of vacant positions for all the affected regions.

Also, we have been inform that, the National Council which is the highest decision making body would be on standby for the outcome of the steering committee meeting for their final decision.

This has been a welcome news for us in the northern region and we Northern region Youth for Peace and Development would like to remind our leadership to be mindful of the current peace that we are enjoying when taking their final decisions on the modalities and guild lines to be adopted for the elections of new regional officers for those vacancies.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are much concern about this issues because, our intelligence gathered indicates that, the current Northern regional Chairman of the NPP as well as the regional secretary, regional communication director are running a crusade to be maintained in the northern region  for the rest of their term in office as regional officers.

 We saw this as a clear sign of disrespect to the President, Vice President and to the National officers of our dear party.We are also drawing the attention of H.E President Nana Akufo-Addo and the National officers of our dear party to  the current activities of the Northern  regional chairman of NPP Mr Samba who is seen to be building  an empire that would soon become a monster within the party in the region.

He has succeeded in dividing the party into two just for his personal interest through unnecessary splashing of money all over in the name of maintaining his office for the rest of his term in Northern region. In most cases.

 And the question we are asking him is, with all the  number Mp’s , the Vice President  as well as other government appointees from the North East region, what is  scaring him and the regional secretary  from going back to the newly created north east region to assist in administrating the party there? Or is that, he has no confidence in Dr Bawumia or Hajia Alima Mahama?

Ladies and Gentlemen, we all know the efforts of the President in restoring peace to our part, we are privileged to announce that, the current regional chairman is bent on destroying all what the President has done for us so far as he continues to stay in the northern region.

Final ladies and Gentlemen, we want pledge our sincere support for all our leadership across the board most especially Northern region, North East region and Savanah region.

We shall continue to work tireless to ensure a resounding victory for the party come 2020 In Sha Allah. In doing this, our greatest fear has to to do with current activities of our regional chairman and Secretary  which in our opinion is posing a serious threat to the success of the party and we hope and pray that , leadership would call them to order even if they are directed to move to their various regions.We thank you all for coming and God bless our homeland Ghana and make us great and strong.

Long Live Ghana

Long Live NPP

Long Live President Nana Akufo-Addo


Mr Abdallah Red

Leading Member


Chief Yal-Zoli Yussif


Leading Member

Charles Njoriba


Leading member Konkonba community.

Mohammed Alidu


Leading Member Nanumba Youth

Source: Myjoyonline

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