
Fetish priest ‘commits suicide’ after shooting girlfriend over sex

A 55-year-old fetish priest has reportedly committed suicide after shooting his girlfriend over sexual intimacy disputes at Ejisu-Juaben in the Ashanti Region.

The incident happened on Saturday, August 19, at about 9:30 pm.

The fetish priest, Akwasi Antwi, reportedly used a single-barrel gun to shoot his girlfriend, Ama Attah, at close range.

Close sources disclosed that the couple had been in a relationship for a long time but started having issues recently.

The sources added that Antwi started complaining that his girlfriend was denying him sex; hence, he began suspecting her of cheating on him in the relationship.

On the day of the incident, Antwi reportedly visited Ama’s house with the gun, and as usual, the couple began to argue. Then Ama told Antwi not to visit her house with a firearm again.

Antwi reportedly left the house only to return after a few minutes while accusing Ama of cheating on him with another man.

He then shot Ama in the rib and fled the scene.

The sound of the gunshot drew the attention of some residents, who attempted to apprehend and disarm Antwi but to no avail.

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The fetish priest then fled to a nearby bush, reportedly committing suicide.

His body was discovered and transported to the morgue for further investigation.

Meanwhile, Ama Attah survived the gunshot and is receiving treatment in a medical facility in the district.

Several cases of spousal killings have been reported since the beginning of this year.

Below are accounts of some cases of spousal murders that sent shockwaves across the country.

A jilted lover allegedly killed his girlfriend at Trom, a suburb of Koforidua in the Eastern region.

The tragic incident happened on Saturday, June 17, 2023, at Junction 5 in the Trom community.

Also in May 2023, a 35-year-old man identified as Akwasi allegedly killed his fiancee, 25-year-old Martha, after she paid him a visit at Atwima Agogo Copas in the Atwima Nwabiagya South Municipal of the Ashanti Region.

Again, on May 27, 2023, a 28-year-old man, Isaac Kwadwo Nyarko, allegedly killed his 27-year-old girlfriend and her 7-year-old son at Anwiankwanta- Poano in the Ashanti Region.

According to reports, some community members made a missing person report to the Anwiankwata police three days after failing to locate the woman and her son.

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