
Farmers Protest Over Invasion Of Farms By Fulani herdsmen

Some farmers at Kwahu Tafo in the Eastern Region have embarked on a protest over the invasion of nomadic Fulani herdsmen in the area.

Speaking with one of the Assembly members who led the protest, Mr. Boamah Alexander, he said the Fulani herdsmen are destroying their farms and unleashing terror on farmers.

He alleged that many farmers have been attacked by lawless herdsmen.

The farmers have petitioned the Member of Parliament for Abetifi Constituency Bryan Acheampong, Kwahu Tafo Chief, and the Kwahu East Assembly.

“We the farmers of Kwahu Tafo write with great concern this petition to bring to your notice the difficulties and challenges we are going through as a result of the presence of Fulani herdsmen in our community. Some of us cultivate cash crops especially cocoa and the majority of us are subsistence farmers who grow crops like maize, cassava, yam and cocoyam, tomatoes, pepper, carrots, cabbage, green pepper, and cucumber” excerpts of the petition stated.

The farmers also stated in the petition that, the herdsmen usually destroy crops with their cattle at night, and sometimes set fire to the farms.

“Our concern is that the herdsmen allow their cattle to come to our farms and destroy our crops. The destruction of our crops usually occurs at night. The following morning we go to our farms to find our crops are completely destroyed. In some cases, they deliberately burn the bush in which the new growth serves as grazing ground for their animals”.

The farmers alleged that “most of the herdsmen armed themselves with rifles when they walk around in the bush which in itself is very intimidating. We are experiencing untold hardship as a result of their nefarious activities which are adversely affecting our farming activities and livelihood and thereby posting a threat to our very existence. We are therefore presenting this petition to you to bring to the fore the plight of farmers of Kwahu Tafo as a result of the presence of Fulani herdsmen on our farmlands”

The aggrieved farmers are demanding an immediate clampdown on the herdsmen.

“We are by this petition demanding the removal of these herdsmen from our farmlands to enable us to farm peacefully. We count so much on your kind cooperation in this regard and look forward to a swift response to our plea”.

Kwahu Afram Plains area is notorious for fatal clashes between farmers and nomadic herdsmen particularly during the dry season.


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