
Election 2024: GUTA eyes ‘special deals’ with all political parties

Source The Ghana Report

The Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA) is set to sign agreements with all prospective governments before the upcoming elections in December 2024.

This initiative is designed to safeguard GUTA interests and to ensure that political parties fulfil their promises if elected.

GUTA’s move to secure formal agreements with political parties underscores its dedication to protecting traders’ interests and ensuring their voices are represented in policymaking.

GUTA President Dr. Joseph Obeng highlighted that unlike in past elections, the association is now insisting on having a role in shaping party manifestos.

“In the past, they would formulate their own manifesto, and at the end of the campaign, they’d come and show it to us. But this election, we demanded that we want to factor our input into their manifesto because they are all potential governments,” Dr Obeng stated.

The Association plans to hold future governments accountable to the terms of the agreements.

“We are very serious about this so that we are not taken for granted and can call the government back to order when it fails to fulfil its end of the bargain,” he indicated.

GUTA further raised concerns about the economic struggles its members are facing, including the depreciation of the cedi and soaring freight charges from Asia, which have significantly increased business costs.

The association is calling on the government to maintain the economic progress made since re-engaging with the IMF, as this is vital for the business community.

Dr Obeng also expressed the need for greater accountability from governments.

“First, we were just building the manifesto. Then after you finish, we demand that let’s put a signature somewhere so that we can refer to it. I think it’s fair because we have to go beyond some of these red territories and then demand proper accountability,” Dr. Obeng said in an interview with Joy News.

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