
ECG Charges Lower Manya Krobo MP With Power Theft

Source The Ghana Report

The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has served notice of an illegal power connection at the house of the Member of Parliament (MP) of Lower Manya Krobo constituency, Ebenezer Okletey Terlabi. 

A combined team of ECG and military personnel noticed the purported illegal connection when they went to the MP’s residence to assess a case in relation to two stolen newly installed prepaid meters.

Upon arrival, the team was surprised to see that the lawmaker and his neighbours were still connected to the national grid even though the meters had been removed by thieves.

The MP was then served with the notice of illegal power connection and asked to provide a police report on the alleged theft of the meters.

According to the notice, Mr. Terlabi has been charged with “tampering or interfering with our meters” and “unauthorized service connection in contravention of LI 1651 (1999) and LI 1702 (2002)”.

The MP will be charged with the cost of damage to ECG meters and replacement if he fails to provide the police report of the theft.

However, the legislator blames his political opponents, whom he calls his saboteurs as the instigators of this case.

Mr. Terlabi slammed ECG officials on Sunday, 24 July 2022, for disrespecting his office by installing the meters in his house without informing him.

Personnel from the electricity company installed two prepaid meters in his house on Saturday, 23 July 2022, as part of the ongoing prepaid metering system in the Krobo area.


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