
Driver who killed police officer in Akotsi accident remanded

The Awutu Bereku District Court has remanded the driver who ran over and killed a police officer, Lance Corporal Solomon Tetteh, at Gomoa Akotsi in the Central region.

On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, the Awutu Bereku District Court, presided over by Her Worship Naomi Kuntour, remanded the suspect into police custody to reappear on May 10, 2024.

The driver of a Kia Rhino with the registration number GX 4135-20 rammed into a police vehicle with the registration number GP 483.

The 55-year-old suspect, Abdul Rahman, fled the scene after the act.

Consequently, police officers at the District Police Command mounted a manhunt, leading to his arrest.

The fatal accident happened on Monday, April 22, 2024, when the truck from Gomoa Akraman heading towards Gomoa Akotsi junction had a brake failure and rammed into a pickup with some Chinese nationals before running over the police car with officers on board.

According to eyewitnesses, the police had parked their car on the roadside to buy some items nearby.

The Youth Chief of Awutu Bereku, Nai Appai Nortey, who was at the scene, revealed that two officers were waiting in the pickup bucket at the time of the accident, and one of the officers sustained a head injury after falling from the bucket.

Meanwhile, the officers and the Chinese nationals were rushed to the Winneba Trauma and Specialist Hospital.

The Central East Regional Operations Commander and other senior officers visited the scene.

Accidents involving police officers have become rampant in recent times.

On Wednesday, April 17, 2024, a policeman tragically died in an accident at the KNUST Junction in Kumasi in the Ashanti region.

The officer was chasing an Okada rider with his motorcycle for flouting traffic regulations but hit the back of a stationary truck with registration number GM 445-13.

A video from the scene that has emerged on social media showed him lying lifeless while commuters expressed shock.

Again, on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, three police officers died in a fatal accident at Kyekyewere along the Accra-Kumasi Highway.

The accident occurred while the officers were on their way for police operational duties.

The police officers were in a convoy heading towards Kwahu for special duties ahead of the Kwahu Easter celebrations.

Unfortunately, when the white Formed Police Unit (FPU) van reached Kyekyewere, one of its tyres burst, causing the vehicle to somersault and land in a ditch.

The force of the accident caused the doors of the vehicle to come off, ejecting the three officers.

The deceased officers are Chief Inspector Michael Adzaho, PW Inspector Theresa Zampiah, and General Corporal Emmanuel Asamoah.

On the same Wednesday, an accident involving a police patrol car with registration number GP 3030 and a Hyundai taxicab with registration No. GG 4512-21 resulted in the injury of five police officers.

The police patrol team from the Nsawam Police District was returning from Adeiso in the Eastern Region to Nsawam.

At least five of the victims were sent to the Nsawam Government Hospital for treatment, while the vehicles involved were impounded for testing.

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