
Disregard running mate selection reports – Mahama

Former president John Dramani Mahama has described as false stories claiming he has made a decision on who will be his running mate for the 2020 presidential elections.

A statement from his Campaign Office and signed by the campaign spokesperson, James Agyenim-Boateng Wednesday asked the public to disregard the speculations.

“ Mr. Mahama is presently focused on both his NDC flagbearer campaign and his official duties, therefore, Ghanaians should disregard all such conjectures,” he said.

The former president who is actively campaigning for a comeback in 2020, was reported to be considering who to partner him for the 2020 election.

According to some reports, one of the favourites is Zanetor Rawlings, the legislator for Korle Klottey constituency and daughter of former president Jerry John Rawlings.

But Mr Agyenim-Boateng said “we wish to state that the reports are false” urging the public to disregard such reports.


source: Myjoyonline

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