
Dish: Venetian Liver And Onions

This dish, served throughout Italy but particularly associated with Venice, is called fegato alla veneziana. The authentic preparation is made only with tender liver, cut as thin as possible.


1 and a half calf’s liver.


Freshly ground Pepper.

1 fourth cup better.

3 tablespoons olive oil.

1 and a half pounds onions, peeled and thinly sliced.

1 fourth cup chopped fresh parsley.

The Cooking

Wash the liver and wipe dry. Cut into very thin slices. Season with salt and pepper. Heat the butter and oil in a skillet. Add the onions and saute until golden but do not brown. This will take several minutes. Add the liver and saute on both sides until just tender. Sprinkle with the parsley. Serve at once.

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