
Developing a plan of action

Goal setting is simply making choices. Goal setting is know­ing where you want to go. Said another way, if you do not know where you want to go you will probably end up someplace else. If we are not achieving what we are capable of achieving, it is because our goals are not clearly defined. Writing our own script means developing a definite workable plan designed to implement action. Your success will be determined largely by your plan of action.

Writing your own script also means, quite literally, that your plans should be written down. The kinetic action of writing will further impress your subconscious. Your written plan will give you the courage to follow through and help you to eliminate obstacles, distractions and interruptions. It will also serve as a benchmark for progress. You will be more aware of how far you have come and how far you have to go.

Many psychological studies have shown that a person’s motivation is at its highest when he or she has some way of measuring accom­plishment. Writing will crystallise thought, and thought motivates action. It reinforces your commit­ment to the attainment of what you want. It will remind you of your objectives, and each time you review what you have written, you will be reminded of what you want and why you want it.

Identity the benefits

Goals are not promises, but commitments. They are not wish­es, but visions. We do not hope our dreams are going to find us; we find them. Goals do not start in our brain; they start in our heart. We are not going to be committed to our goal one hundred percent until we are clear on the benefits. This is probably the most import­ant and significant step in goal setting.

If you are expending any effort in your life and are not sure of the benefits you will obtain, you will have great difficulty maintaining the necessary enthusiasm, per­sistence and dedication. When you are not sure of the benefits, it is very difficult to dedicate yourself to something.

Goal setting helps you to specif­ically identify the benefits that you will receive from the efforts you expend. You will not be able to hold a high degree of commitment toward the accomplishment of anything unless you are absolutely clear on the benefits. Psychology teaches there are only two reasons for any of us to do anything. One is to gain pleasure (benefit), and the other is to avoid loss. If you are clear on the benefits you will be willing to pay the price. A goal can be defined as something that has an inherent or built-in reward upon its achievement.

Handling the obstacles

As soon as you say what you want, the first thing that you are going to experience is the feeling that it cannot be done. This is your subconscious mind trying to pro­tect you from an imaginary loss.

When you say you want to do something, everything that could possibly go wrong will come up for you to evaluate and defuse. All your fears and doubts will surface. If you will center your thoughts on what you want to happen, which is the goal, instead of what you do not want to happen, which is the obstacle, you will overcome this negative feedback. In other words, believing that it is yours before you take the first step.

We cannot sustain a mental image of a goal that is inconsis­tent with our beliefs. Be realistic about the possible obstacles and roadblocks. Ask yourself, “What circumstances or conditions may prevent me from achieving this goal?” Your answer to that will outline what you will have to overcome to obtain what you want. Some of the obstacles and roadblocks may be simple; some may be more complex.

Some of the obstacles will just take care of themselves with­out your attention. The biggest mistake people make in goal setting, however, is to gloss over roadblocks and obstacles that should be recognized before they get started toward their goals. You may not be aware of them all, but the more prepared you are, the easier it will be to handle them.

As you complete this process, the natural tendency will be to become a little discouraged, and perhaps you will lose some of your enthusiasm. You might start to focus on all the effort necessary to overcome your obstacles and roadblocks.

Take the first step to success

Know that what you want is more important to you than any obstacle that you may have to handle along the way. Know in your mind that you always have the choice to stop or to continue with your plan. You can change your mind at any time you want. But for the moment the important thing is to GET STARTED!

Do not get locked up into the ultimate goal. Just concentrate on the next step. Take it one step at a time. Use the overall goal as a point of reference but concentrate on the steps. The one-step-at-a-time principle is important in achieving goals. Even the largest goals are obtained one step at a time.

Once you are aware of the ob­stacles, you will find the awareness alone will go a long way toward finding the solution, because knowledge is power. The solutions and cost of overcoming the obsta­cles will become quite obvious. For every obstacle there is a solution, and the solution is always available because the answers are within us.

You do not have to look outside of yourself for the answer. If you truly believe this, you will be guided to the right person, the right place, the right book or the right situation that will help you to overcome your obstacles.

Develop this belief system: “I always know what I need to know.” You know what to do and you know how to do it because your Higher Self or internal guid­ance system will guide you every step of the way. All you have to do is to be open, responsive and re­ceptive to the answers. In doing so you will cease to see obstacles as limitations, because you will know that who you are is greater than any obstacle. When you combine your wants, benefits, obstacles and solutions together in writing, you will gain a tremendous feeling of power and excitement. It will also help you to see that most of your limitations are self-imposed.

Why this will work for you

Most people do not successfully implement goal setting because they do not weigh up the benefits, rewards, obstacles, solutions and costs. If you will commit your­self to working through all of those steps, you will stay on track. You will not be overwhelmed by the size of the details; which are necessary to your goal’s achieve­ment. You will learn to keep your attention on the specific steps that, when put together, will allow you to achieve the entire goal.

A primary factor in the success­ful use of goals is positive feed­back. Without positive feedback you will not continue to use goals. So always keep a list of the goals that you accomplish, including the obstacles you have overcome along the way. Have a special notebook for this purpose and refer to it often. Keep adding to your list of accomplished goals. Every time that you look at this list, you will gain further confidence in your ability to obtain what you want through the process we’ve just discussed.

On the surface, this may seem like a lot of extra work and effort. However, it is a lot more work and effort to go through life not having the things you really want. Do not be misled by the simplicity of this process and do not under­estimate the power behind it. To do this would be to sabotage your own potential. “Writing your own script and following through with action is a habit that will reward you for the rest of your life.”

The writer

Most people do not suc­cessfully implement goal setting because they do not weigh up the benefits, rewards, obstacles, solu­tions and costs.

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