
‘Deceptive’ Nana Addo must resign over militia group at Osu Castle – Minority

The Minority in Parliament is calling for the resignation of President Nana Akufo-Addo following a report alleging that a part of the Osu Castle, a former seat of Government is being used to train a militia group believed to be affiliated to the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP).

The Minority at a press conference explained that the disturbing investigative piece shakes the  foundation of  Ghana under President Nana Akufo-Addo who they described as ‘duplicitous.’

According to the Minority, President Akufo-Addo has lost every moral authority to continue as President since he has been indicted in the said report.

A video documentary by a journalist, Manasseh Azure Awuni, captured a supposed militia group called “De-Eye” using the former seat of government as a training ground.

The Minority at the press conference also called on the Inspector General of the Police, Mr. David Asante-Appeatu to immediately carry out a swoop and arrest the leaders of the supposed militia group since the group has flagrantly violated numerous laws and constitutional provisions of the country.

The Minority also raised questions about how a facility owned and managed by the state, has now become a safe haven for a group they believe to be an NPP militia.

“We insist that Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo must resign as President of the Republic with immediate effect. The President has lost every moral authority to continue to occupy that high office after having been caught in flagrante delicto,” the Deputy Minority Leader, James Klutse Avedzi said at the press conference.

“We call on the Inspector General of Police to immediately, that’s before close of day, carry out a swoop and arrest the leaders and members of De-Eye Group militia. It is obvious that the group has flagrantly violated numerous laws including but not limited to Articles 85, 200 (2) and 210 (2) of the Constitution of Ghana and Police Service Act, 1970 (Act 350). That an investigation be opened into how a facility owned and managed by the State – the Osu Castle became a safe haven for an NPP militia. That the State should take urgent steps to reclaim the offices and other State properties in the possession of the leaders of De-Eye Group Militia as a matter of prime importance,” he added.

Nana Addo and NPP Government painting Ghana black – Mahama

Former President Mahama in a tweet also described the said report as “harrowing”.

Mr. Mahama in tweet metaphorically posted that Government has produced enough paint to paint the whole nation black with the emergence of these private militia groups affiliated to the NPP.

“Watched a harrowing expose of how the Osu Castle, until 2013 the office of the President, now used as an Annex, has become the HQ & training camp of a private militia wing of the NPP & Nana Akufo-Addo. Clearly, this admin has produced enough paint to paint the whole nation black.” Mr. Mahama tweeted.

Source: citinewsroom

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