
Creating a positive and productive work environment in the new year

A productive workplace is essential to the success of any firm. It encourages team members to work together, be creative and feel like they belong. Fostering a healthy work environment is essential to raising employee morale and job satisfaction, which in turn increases output and effectiveness.

Our temperament is a significant aspect that most influences our life. It’s one of the instruments that organisations can employ to create a productive and positive work environment. Because an employee’s temperament influences their preferred method of communication, work style and reaction to difficulties, it is imperative to recognise and appreciate the impact of temperament in the workplace.

Managers can adjust their tactics, communication styles and work assignments to accommodate employees’ unique preferences and strengths when they take the time to understand and value temperament. By matching work to employees’ innate characteristics, this increases productivity and creates a more pleasant workplace where people feel appreciated and understood.

As the year’s second-month approaches, managers need to make conscious efforts to create a happy environment at the workplace.

Let’s look at some tactics they can apply.

Tactics for fostering a happy workplace:

  • Communication: It’s important to express team expectations and goals with employees in a clear and concise manner. The Phlegmatic and Melancholic have innate training and teaching skills, therefore it will be simple to explain the desired outcome to employees. Even though the Sanguine is an excellent communicator, managers still need to make sure that all pertinent information is conveyed. Nonetheless, Choleric managers must exercise caution when merely ‘putting across’ the objectives without appropriate exchanges and engagements. Furthermore, supervisors should furnish precise and punctual feedback that enables team members to comprehend the consequences of their actions and promote sustained positive conduct.
  • Acknowledgement: It is crucial for managers to take note of, value, congratulate and recognise the efforts and labour of their team members. Celebrate every accomplishment, no matter how small – even if it’s just a slap on the back. The sanguine are adept in this field. The melancholic is the one who will require help in expressing gratitude, admiration and approval for a job well done. It is difficult for them to appreciate or be content with the work that is assigned to them because of their high standards and perfectionist tendencies. Offering incentives and awards for both individual and team accomplishments boosts motivation and morale.
  • Work-Life Balance: The welfare of employees should come first. The choleric manager instils the same expectations in their employees since they are inherently workaholics who leave little to no room for work-life balance. Performance meetings should be complemented by courses on stress management and mental health support. Employees who experience emotional or physical health problems are less productive.
  • Positive Team Spirit: Managers should schedule team-building exercises throughout the year to promote appropriate team bonding. Not every exercise should revolve around work, outcomes and performance reviews. An annual team-building event, for example, could be planned around a single large outdoor activity. It would be beneficial to have an internal gathering or a quarterly dinner at a restaurant after work. Within the team and within departments, this will promote candid communication and teamwork.
  • Professional growth: It is the manager’s responsibility to provide opportunities for team members to achieve professional growth. Staff can grow and develop professionally through several means – including workshops, online learning programmes, job rotations, internal and external training sessions, and in-house training.
  • Resources: Staff members may become demotivated for reasons other than lack of funds. Insufficient tools and supplies to complete specified duties can sometimes be discouraging to employees. Managers should thus make sure that team members have access to all the tools they need, including training, in order to boost productivity.

Overall organisational and team effectiveness is greatly impacted by the synergy between acknowledging temperamental variety and fostering a happy work environment. The company should support the reinforcement of desired behaviour in the workplace by using of incentives, commendation and recognition. Penalties should be used for policy and procedural violations, as well as non-compliance.

It’s critical for managers to promote employee engagement, teamwork and well-being.  Certain acts may be simple depending on each temperament’s power. We must ask for assistance and work together to get the best possible outcomes for the most difficult tasks.

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