
COVID-19: Expand laboratories to test more cases


As Ghana’s coronavirus infections surge, a virologist at the Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research (KCCR), Dr Michael Owusu, is calling for the expansion in the country’s testing centres.

He said testing centres can be overwhelmed with the workload if the facilities are not expanded.

Ghana’s covid-19 caseload has seen a drastic increase ever since it recorded two cases on March 12. As of June 12, the numbers have jumped to more than 10,800.

Those numbers Dr Owusu says should be a matter of concern.

“There has to be a review of the strategy. This is the fourth level classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) where asymptomatic patients will knock off the vulnerable population which is what we are seeing,”

“So, we need to reorganise our system and channel more resources to health facilities to ensure that adequate testing is done so that people will get their results in real-time and people are taken care of.” he says.

There have been reports that most of the country’s testing centres have run out of kits, with only the Noguchi Memorial Centre for Medical Research and the Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research still operating.

The Ghana Medical Association (GMA) has also complained about the bureaucracy involved in releasing the Covid-19 test results of patients.

“We are having unacceptable delays in getting results or reports. We are getting people who are getting up to a week or more [to receive their result].

“We are so worried especially if it applies to healthcare workers and in-patient samples.

“We had doctors who tested positive and were waiting for their second test to see if they are negative so they can resume work. Some waited forever it wasn’t happening. They had to move to other places to be sure that they are now recovered, so they can return to work.” the GMA Deputy General Secretary, Dr. Titus Beyos, states.

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