
Court rescinds bench warrant against CID boss and another

Source The Ghana Report

The Accra High Court has rescinded its bench warrant against two senior police officers over contempt charges.

On Monday, April 15, 2024, the court called for the immediate arrest of the Director General of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service.

The CID boss was not the only person as the Director General of the Legal and Prosecution Unit of the Ghana Police Service was summoned for the same contempt charge.

The two, who are respondents in a case filed by Sureword Global Outreach, seeking an order to release a vehicle they had impounded, repeatedly failed to appear before the court, leading to the issuance of the warrant.

However, the court rescinded its decision when the head of Legal and Prosecution, Superintendent Sylvester Asare, apologized for his colleagues’ inability to show up in court.

“Respectfully my lady, first and foremost, I humbly want to render an unqualified apology for and on behalf of the respondents (Director Generals of CID and Legal and Prosecution) for their inability to appear before this court as directed.

“It is not the intention of the respondents herein to disobey the orders of this court. It has never been the characteristic of the respondents at all. The respondents never had notice of proceedings in this court, therefore, we apologize for the mix-up,” he pleaded.

He also told the court that the vehicle in question had been released to the applicant as a measure to purge themselves of the contempt charge.

“Upon hearing of the proceedings in the media, I quickly called the counsel for the applicant and he came to my office. As we stand here this morning, (Wednesday, April 17, 2024), I want to tell this court that the matter has been resolved and the vehicle in question was released to counsel for the applicant, yesterday (Tuesday, April 16, 2024).

“We deem it necessary to bring this latest development to the notice of this court and to demonstrate that the respondents at all material times will obey and adhere to orders of this court,” Superintendent Asare added.

Counsel for the applicant, Abraham Arthur, corroborated Superintendent Asare’s account.

After listening to both parties, Justice Lydia Osei Marfo while rescinding the bench warrant said an institution like the police should uphold the rule of law at all times.

“It is hoped that this occurrence will not happen again. Be that as it may, the respondents have purged themselves from the contemptuous act and therefore the court will forgive their trespass. The application, therefore, becomes moot, and the same is struck out as settled,” Justice Marfo ruled.

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