
Count me in for Ghana

Ghana was bequeathed to us by our ancestors in pristine form. We are duty-bound to preserve and improve our motherland. We are duty-bound to bequeath Ghana in pristine and improved form to our descendants.

But Ghana weeps. Her children weep.
Our forbears weep.

We haven’t kept our forest cover. We haven’t kept our rivers clean. We haven’t kept our air unpolluted.
We haven’t planted enough to feed us. We haven’t stored enough of our harvest for the lean season. We haven’t maintained sustainable fishing practices.

We haven’t kept the beauty of our landscape. We haven’t developed our country evenly, equitably or fairly. We haven’t established a sound healthcare system to cater to our health needs across our socio-demographic divide. We haven’t resourced our schools at all levels enough to equip our children well enough to address today’s challenges and tomorrow’s prospects.

We have failed woefully. Our organs and institutions of the state are underperforming. Our political, traditional, and spiritual leaders are underperforming. Our commerce and businesses are underperforming. Our artists, artistes, and artisans are underperforming. Our academics and professionals are underperforming. Our learners, our students, our children – ie, our future leaders – are underperforming.

We have too many selfish people. We have too many lazy people. We have too many impediments to progress.

We need public-spirited leadership and citizenry. We need strict, swift, and fair enforcement of sanctions. We need vision, integrity, and discipline.

Mayhem is creeping on us. Destruction is approaching us. Oblivion is visiting us.

But, despite the lost years, restoration is within our remit. Progress depends on us. There is a glimmer of hope.

We won’t tolerate the pollution of our environment anymore. We won’t tolerate the pillage of our natural resources for the private gain of only a few anymore. We won’t tolerate thievery, corruption, and incompetence anymore. We won’t tolerate reckless dissipation of public funds anymore. We won’t tolerate substandard public services any more. We won’t tolerate pretenses for schools and hospitals anymore. We won’t tolerate excuses-upon-excuses anymore. And we shall not be taken for granted anymore!

Ghana’s destiny is in our hands. Ghana awakens. Ghana speaks.

We shall think deeply. We shall plan well into the future. We shall protect and bequeath our heritage. We shall study hard. We shall work assiduously. We shall contribute selflessly. We shall be productive. We shall account. We shall hold others to account. We shall be vigilant and join forces with the vigilant. We shall enjoy the good of our land. We shall enjoy God’s blessings bestowed on us.

GOD has done His part. We must do our part. I so pledge. We so pledge. So help us, God.

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