
Cost of EC’s biometric system for 2020 voter’s register bloated by 60% – IMANI

Source The Ghana Report/ Dave Alamisi

Think tank IMANI Ghana has shot down claims by the Electoral Commission (EC) of Ghana that they will save the country a significant amount of money with the introduction of the new voter roll.

Contrary to the claims, IMANI Ghana has stated that: “A careful analysis of best practice in procuring biometric technology for elections in Africa shows that the EC’s proposed spending plans are inflated by about 60%. In short, the EC’s proposed system is brutally expensive compared to other countries in Africa”.

The EC has said that the country will save an amount of GHS173.07 million should a new voters’ register be compiled ahead of the 2020 general elections. According to the election management body, procuring a fresh BVMS is less costly than upgrading the current register.

IMANI Ghana is one of 18 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) that have rejected the plans by the EC.

Comparing figures from other African countries in a release on Sunday, the think tank concluded that: “If the EC adjusts its planned procurement spending pattern to suit the best practice in the Africa region, it can save at least as 60% of its projected expenditure on the BVMS. These are the true potential savings the EC dare not consider”.

Below is the full statement from IMANI Ghana:

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