
Coronavirus: Ghana cases rise to 11

Two more cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed, increasing infections to 11.

The two cases were recorded in Kumasi in the Ashanti region and involved a 59-year old woman and a 61-year old Lebanese.

The tests conducted at the Kumasi center for collaborative research for infectious diseases and confirmed the infections.

The woman returned from the UK and reported at a private hospital with fever, cough and running nose. She had a temperature of 39 °C, checking the list of symptoms for coronavirus.

The 61-year Lebanese is a male trader who also reported a fever and a temperature of 39.4 °C

The two cases recorded Thursday comes after government confirmed two others earlier in the morning.

It is unclear if the Lebanese victim had traveled abroad. Ghana has not recorded any local infection with all cases so far imported.

The country has been turning away flights and foreigners from countries that have recorded more than 200 cases.

Ghana has now had four confirmed cases in the Ashanti region and seven in the Greater Accra region. Only two are foreigners including a Norwegian top diplomat.

The Ghana Health Service (GHS) has indicated it is awaiting the test results of some four persons who came into contact with the infected persons.

The government has indicated, the next two weeks could be crucial in Ghana’s fight against coronavirus.

  1. Matthew Nana Eshun says

    Ghanaian should take this coronavirus serious oo

  2. Anonymous says

    God save Ghana b cos we have less measures to treat this deadly disease called CONVID 19

  3. Anonymous says

    And people are saying the media is creating fear and panic. If china, Italy, Spain etc had created fear when it was eleven, they would not have been under such troubles.

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