
Concerned Citizens of Elmina petition Akufo-Addo over revocation of GN Savings’ license

Source The Ghana Report/Gloria Kafui Ahiable

A group calling itself the Concerned Citizens of Elmina has petitioned President Akufo-Addo over the revocation of the operating licence of GN Savings.

According to the group, the move by the Central Bank has left many jobless and scores more stranded and in dire need of financial support.

“We, the people have not seen any prominent indigene of the land with such great entrepreneurial skills, talent and gift like Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom. It is for this reason that we believe such people are rare, they are gifts from God and they must be protected and supported, ” extracts of the petition available to The Ghana Report reads.

They noted “Dr. Nduom has brought the people of Elmina and KEEA, a number of companies in the area of manufacturing, industrial printing, electronic assembling, quarry and concrete products, Basic and Tertiary education, Sports and Entertainment, Hotel and Hospitality. He has given thousands of jobs to people, supported many businesses to grow, provided sports and entertainment after hard work. He has brought work and happiness back to Elmina. ”

It is on this basis that the group is calling on the President to support GN Savings and Loans to get back on its feet.

“We are aware government, through the Ministry of Finance has supported five local Banks of which three are private Banks. They were supported with tax payers money to enable them meet the new GHC400 recapitalization requirement. We pray with the government to extend the same kind of support to GN”

“Denying GN of such support to save the Bank, and more surprisingly, monies owed by government to GN being denied him under the pretext of validating the debt for the past three years is very disappointing”, the statement by the group said.

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