
Complement or replacement: The evolving role of AI in the global health workforce

As artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly integrates into various sectors, its foray into healthcare has sparked a significant debate: Will AI technologies complement the health workforce or replace it? With AI’s rapid advancement and its burgeoning role in diagnostics, patient care and administrative functions, stakeholders within the global health community are keenly observing its trajectory, pondering its implications for healthcare professionals worldwide.

AI’s promise in healthcare is undeniably vast. It offers the potential to analyse complex medical data at unprecedented speeds, provide diagnostic recommendations, streamline administrative processes and even deliver direct patient care through robotics and AI-driven tools. Yet, as these technologies evolve and permeate the health sector, the fundamental question remains: How will AI impact the millions of individuals employed in healthcare?

AI as a complement to healthcare professionals

Numerous case studies and pilot programmes have demonstrated AI’s capacity to augment the work of healthcare professionals, enhancing efficiency and outcomes without displacing human roles.

For example, at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, England, an AI system known as Ultromics has been employed to analyse echocardiogram images. The AI provides cardiologists with highly accurate diagnostic information, enabling them to make more informed treatment decisions. This collaboration has reportedly improved diagnostic accuracy by 90 percent, illustrating AI’s role as a powerful support tool rather than a replacement.

In low-resource settings, where healthcare worker shortages are acute, AI has been particularly impactful. A notable initiative in rural India employed an AI-powered mobile health platform to screen for diabetic retinopathy, a condition often undiagnosed until it leads to blindness. By equipping local health workers with AI-driven diagnostic tools, the programme significantly expanded access to essential eye care, demonstrating how AI can fill critical gaps in service provision.

The debate over job displacement

Despite these positive narratives, concerns persist regarding AI’s potential to automate tasks traditionally performed by humans, leading to job displacement. A report by the World Economic Forum predicts that while AI will create 58 million new jobs by 2027, it will also render many current roles obsolete, including some in healthcare.

Critics argue that as AI systems become more sophisticated, they could replace healthcare professionals in roles ranging from radiology and pathology to nursing and patient support. These concerns are not unfounded; AI developments have indeed led to automation in certain diagnostic processes, raising fears about the long-term impact on employment in these specialties.

Striking a balance

The key to navigating the future of AI in healthcare may lie in striking a balance, leveraging AI to enhance the capabilities of the health workforce while safeguarding jobs and ensuring high-quality patient care. Education and training will be pivotal, equipping healthcare professionals with the skills to work alongside AI technologies. For instance, medical schools are beginning to incorporate AI into their curricula, preparing future physicians to interact with and oversee AI-driven systems.

Moreover, policy frameworks must evolve to address the workforce implications of AI. This includes developing strategies to manage transitions for workers impacted by automation and ensuring that AI deployments adhere to ethical standards, prioritising patient safety and workforce well-being.

The way forward

As we stand at the crossroads of AI and healthcare, the path forward requires a collaborative approach, involving stakeholders from across the health sector, technology industry, government and civil society. By fostering dialogue, sharing best practices and developing inclusive policies, we can harness AI’s potential to revolutionise healthcare while nurturing the invaluable human element at the heart of the profession.

While AI undoubtedly presents challenges to the health workforce, it also offers opportunities to enhance care, improve outcomes, and address longstanding inefficiencies. By embracing AI as a complement rather than a competitor, the global health community can navigate the complexities of this technological evolution, ensuring a future where AI and healthcare professionals work in synergy to advance the well-being of populations worldwide.

Note: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any organisation.

>>>I’ll be your wingman on your health journey! The writer is a public health professional with a Master’s degree from the University of Illinois at Springfield, USA and works as a Medical Fraud Analyst at the Illinois Office of Inspector-General. He founded GD Consult in Ghana to promote healthy lifestyles and developed innovative projects, such as a Health Risk Assessment Model for hydraulic fracking operations. He can be reached via godson.davies@yahoo.com

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