
CLOGSAG dares Auditor General to resign

The Civil and Local Government Association of Ghana is daring the Auditor General Daniel Yaw Domelevo to resign after accusing him of directly engaging in the elimination of ghost names from Ghana’s payroll contrary to provisions in the 1992 constitution which defines his job an auditor of public institutions.

The Association’s Executive Director in an interview with The Ghana Report stressed that Ghana’s constitutional provisions do not allow the Auditor General to be directly involved in the elimination of ghost names from the payroll of the public sector.

Isaac Bampoe-Addo, Executive Secretary – CLOGSAG

He stressed “CLOGSAG deems it anomalous for the Auditor General to be directly involved, not in the audit of the “Ghost names elimination programme”, but in the programme itself, our concern stems from the fact that several consultancies on the elimination of ghost names from the payroll of public sector had been carried out until now, why is the Auditor General embarking on another programme on the same subject? Is this value for money?”Isaac Bampoe in a sarcastically designed May Day message dubbed “who watches the watchman”, questioned who audits the work of the Auditor General.

Executive Secretary of the Association also questioned the legal basis for the engagement of certain consultancy firms on a permanent basis by public institutions in Ghana.

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